Dear President Obama,
In watching Fox and Friends on your favorite channel for the news, Fox News, this morning I learned the average salary for a Federal Government employee is $123,049 per year; while the average salary in the private sector for a comparable job is $61,051, a difference of $61,998. Hmm, wonder who earns the money to pay the taxes in order to pay these bloated government salaries? It's no wonder we're trillions of dollars in debt!
Since 2000, the average pay in government "service" has increased 36.9 percent. During the same period, the average pay in the private sector increased 8.8 percent, a difference of 28.1percent. These figures were supplied to USA Today by your (used to be our) government.
Now if we don't strangle and kill the 2,562 Page Beast, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act commonly known as ObamaCare, you'll need another 16,000-plus IRS Agents and countless more agencies to enforce its many new restrictive and costly provisions. It's just another Socialistic trillion dollar boondoggle by the Feds.
Needing additional income to pay my overly excessive taxes presently, I'm applying for one of those 16,000-plus new jobs or any of the other you've created since becoming president. Heck, I would even accept a position as a Czar as you've been hiring many questionable individuals there. Yep; I'm questionable; just ask my references.
Age, qualifications and references you ask? I was born in 1933, a Depression baby when there wasn't such a thing as companies being "too big to fail," many did. But, since history has been and is being rewritten, how many failed is a question. Back then the government didn't determine what companies lived or died. Free markets did that job. In 2010, I'm back to depression when viewing life from January 20, 2009 to the present day.
Qualifications? I'm alive, able to stand and take nourishment much like many in Our Nation's Capitol today. I'm able to make major decisions such as wanting the finest health care money can buy just like government officials have; not what the government dictates we must accept. I have the ability to spend money lavishly; something you can relate to as long as it isn't your money. It's our money and we'd like to keep more of it.
I would deliver this application personally today, but I understand there are a few thousand other job applicants in Washington that just might be discussing your qualifications for the job you have and will have until January 2013. Traffic may prevent me from getting to the White House. I know you're disappointed.
A sorry, conservative,
H. William McIntyre
398 North 17th Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011-3905
Email: mcintyreb@verizon.net