Tired of being called a bigot
Dear Editor:
I don't know about you but I feel like we've been slapped in the face over and over and told to go sit in the corner. And why are we being punished? Because we are American citizens.
Judge Munley, Luzerne County, slapped us all in the face when he said our constitution belonged to everyone, citizen or not. He gave our beautiful constitution away. He gave our sovereignty away. He gave our beautiful country away. That slap hurt us all and it hurt us a lot.
Then we were slapped in the face again with the strong arm tactics of that self appointed dictatorial group called the ACLU, who has distorted and abused the very reason for the existence of the ACLU and that is to protect the rights of American citizens. I don't want the ACLU running our country. I do not want them using our courts as weapons. We have to fight them. We have to fight hard. If we don't then we better say good-by to America.
Then while our police forces are putting their lives on the line trying to rid our towns and cities of drugs our President gives Mexican trucks freedom to travel anywhere in our country. They call themselves The American Civil Liberties Union but they sure devote a lot of time defending non-Americans while they constantly call true American bigots.
They talk about discrimination but they sure target Christianity a lot. For instance they have filed a lawsuit, in this time of war, to remove crosses at veteran memorials. It would not shock me if in the near future the ACLU attempts to have all crosses on tombstones at Arlington Cemetery removed. I sure as hell don't want them running my life, or my country.
I will fight against anybody who is taking or giving my country away. I am sick of being labeled a bigot and told to shut up when I try to give my opinion on something. Where is my right under the Constitution of "Freedom of Speech." I am sick of courts and politicians giving our country away.
I have been thinking about FDR's famous quote "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." We have to keep fighting. I refuse to let them take the pride I have in being an American away from me. Not without a fight.
What is going to happen to our country if we continue on the path we are taking now? If we don't fight we may as well say good-by to OUR AMERICA.
Edward R. Rummel
46 year newspaper man and
World War II Vet