No Bigfoot in Tuscarora park
Dear Editor:
I have been receiving emails and a had a few media personnel contact me about a Bigfoot in Tuscarora State Park. There is no evidence of a Bigfoot Creature in and around Tuscarora State Park.
About seven years ago, I heard a report of a Bigfoot spotted on the other side of Tuscarora Lake . I did the research and investigation of these claims and they were to be false. Someone came up with a good story to be a hoax.
Meanwhile, when investigating these claims, I came across Pine Needles in the shape of a footprint. I thought it was kind of neat how this came to be, but in no way is a foot print from a Bigfoot or any other animal in the animal kingdom. These needles were just sitting there on top of the earth. There weren't any indentations , as if something walked and sank into the earth with its foot . There are bears in those woods. This is probably what people have seen.
Bears stand on their hind legs, maybe someone saw this and thought it was a Bigfoot. They also asked me if I casted a foot print from Tuscarora State Park. What is the meaning of this? Why is this all coming about now?
No I don't have a foot print from that area or any other from Eastern Pennsylvania. I do have a foot print from PA, but this is almost 300 miles from Tuscarora. All together I have a large collection of these prints I collected over the years. Finding a print does not, in any way, mean we have evidence of a Bigfoot. The only thing close enough to be considered, is the famous Patterson Video from Bluff Creek, CA, and that is also controversial. In all my travels in PA and the United States I never saw a Bigfoot . I also don't have proof of any credible evidence either. Some evidence has been submitted to experts with no positive results.
So to answer the big question, no there isn't any Bigfoot roaming the State Park in Tuscarora. You could confirm this with the rangers there also.
Tim Heckman
108 West Broad Street
Tamaqua, PA 18252