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Too far to go to vote

Published October 27. 2010 05:00PM

Dear Editor:

To all the Tamaqua Council members

This is in regard to the story that I read in a paper. It had to do with the changes in our polling places here in Tamaqua. I know that in West Penn Township there is the same trouble. An elderly woman down there use to go across the street to vote now has to go two miles.

The main problem is for all us older citizens that have to walk so far to vote anymore. We all don't drive or have a car. Like the article about the elderly in the Majestic House having to walk nine blocks to the East End Fire Company to vote. Before they only had to go across the street to the High Rise to vote. Me, I have to walk eight or nine blocks up to Trinity Church to voted when I use to go to the high rise. I know of another family on the 300 block of Railroad Street who has to go all the way out to the East End which would be about 12 blocks or more.

Now I think you people should get all your different committees together and go to the Pottsville office where the voting zoning idea was created and tell them "enough is enough." The citizens and elderly people of this country have had enough. It is about time they start looking after the true American citizens and tax payers and not themselves and the other politicians.

I am a veteran of World War II and I think I have had it with the politicians of our country. Thank you for letting me have my chance to express by opinion.

Edward R. Rummel,

Life long Tamaqua citizen

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