Control mega pharmaceutical companies
Dear Editor:
Mega pharmaceutical manufacturers produce drugs for human consumption. These companies are self-automatons, very wealthy and very powerful. They control the pharmaceutical industry, and have the means to control clinical profiles to advantage. To do so is considered inappropriate action needing justifying.
Brand pharmaceutical companies use clinical trials to substantiate a drug is tried, proven and effective for many people. Of concern, since drug manufacturers have the means to control information, this could foully substantiate findings in their favor. This may not be improvement on older, cheaper drugs with an established safety profile or are new drugs merely expensive duplicates to extend patent protection meant to milk up profits?
Pharmaceutical manufacturers want beneficial results for their clinical findings which they call "therapeutic effects." Results not wanted are called "side effects." If someone is unable to tolerate a drug they should not take it.
Pharmaceutical representatives should be fully informed about drugs when approaching doctors who prescribe them. Often they are not. This could have damaging results and needs to be prevented.
"The national drug code serves as universal product identification for human drugs processed for commercial distribution. This is in accordance with the Drug Listing Acto of 1972. Drug products are identified and reported using a three segment number called the national drug code (NDC).
The information goes into a database known as the Drug Registration and Listing System (DRLS). This information is then published in the National Drug Code Directory. The directory is limited to prescription drugs and insulin products. These are products processed by registered establishments for commercial distribution. Product names used in the NDC Directory are usually supplied by the manufacturer as required by the ACT. Symbols indicating trademarked or registered products are omitted because of computer input capabilities but deletions are not intended to contradict patent, trademark, registration or copyright laws and regulations."
Both the National Drug Code in accordance with the Drug Listing Act and the Supremacy clause in the United States Constitution, Article V1 paragraph 2 establishes the constitution, Federal Statutes, and the U.S. Treaties as the supreme law of the land. The text establishes these as the highest form of law in the American Legal System mandating that State Judges uphold them, even if State laws or constitutions conflict.
The Fourteenth Amendment establishes "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."
Both are parts of the U.S. Constitution that defines the Federal Governments rule over the States. One difference is that whereas the supremacy clause deals with the relationship between the Federal Government and the States, the Fourteenth Amendment deals with the relationship among the Federal Government, States and Citizens, with emphasis placed upon the Citizens.
Brand name drugs are copyrighted medications and also have patents acknowledging their ingredients. When a brand name patent expires, a generic substitute may be available. Brand durgs are pure chemicals. Generic substitutes use impure substitute chemicals. This is a cost saving factor as brand medications are more expensive than generic drugs. There are five companies that manufacture generic drugs of which two are Mylan Laboratories and Sandoz. Chemicals are often obtained from foreign countries such as Mexico and China among others. These sources are known not to use a national drug code.
In summary: my opinion is meant to focus on the control mega pharmaceutical companies have to control information from clinical trials that could foully substantiate findings in their favor. This is deceptive, may be harmful, therefore needs justifying.
Thank you,
Kathleen Jones,
Jim Thorpe