Tamaqua column
Calvary Evangelical
Calvary Evangelical United Methodist Church, Catawissa and Valley roads, Lewistown Valley, will hold its morning worship service on Sunday, Jan. 2 at 10:25 a.m. The Rev. Brian Reading, pastor, will present a message entitled "Which Must Come First."
At 9:15 a.m., Sunday School classes will be held for all ages. Nursery service is available.
There will be no 6:30 p.m. praise, worship and Bible study. The public is welcome to join in an "informal" small group gathering this week on Jan. 2.
The Hour of Praise and Prayer will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 7 p.m.
Christmas tree collection
The Borough of Tamaqua Street Department will be collecting Christmas trees throughout the month of January.
Residents should place their trees at the curb for pickup on their garbage collection day.
The street department will check each street on garbage days and collect trees as time and weather permits.
Christmas trees must be free of tinsel and other decorations.
No trees will be collected after Jan. 31.
Residents may also drop off their Christmas trees behind the Tamaqua Borough garage at 421 Rear East Broad St.