The engagement of Susanne Kane, Nesquehoning, to Jeff Semuta, also of Nesquehoning, has been announced by their parents.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of David and Patricia Holmes, Hometown, and the late James Kane, Tamaqua. She is a graduate of Tamaqua Area High School and Bloomsburg University, where she earned a bachelor's degree.
She is currently attending Wilkes University and working toward her master's degree.
She is employed as a teacher at Hazleton Area High School.
The prospective bridegroom is the son of Joe and Mary Alyce Semuta of Hazleton. He is a graduate of Hazleton Area High School. He earned his bachelor's degree at Penn State University; and his master's degree at Gannon University.
He is also employed as a teacher at Hazleton Area High School.
A wedding date has been set for July 2, 2010 at the Stroudsmoor Country Inn.