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Lansford police report domestic disputes

Published January 16. 2010 09:00AM

Lansford police arrested two men on charges stemming from domestic disturbances.

Daniel Hollan, 27, 21 W. Patterson St., faces charges from an incident which took place on Jan. 9 at that address. Charges were field by Officer Brian Horos. Hollan is charged with escape, resisting arrest, two counts of simple assault, possession of drug paraphernalia, and harassment. He was arraigned before District Judge Edward Lewis and committed to Carbon County prison.

According to an affidavit of probable cause, Horos responded to a call at the address at 7:45 a.m. that day. The victim, Tina Phillips, told him that her paramour, Hollan, had arrived at their shared residence at about 5:15 a.m. and had begun to assault her. Phillips described, both verbally and in writing, how Hollan had allegedly grabbed her by the throat, choking her, and had slapped her about the face. She was in fear for her safety and waited until Hollan had passed out before calling the police.

Horos observed red marks on Phillips' face and neck. The front of her neck was especially red and appeared to have been rubbed raw.

While taking Hollan into custody, Horos discovered and seized a metal pipe that he had been carrying in his pocket. This pipe had wire packed into one end and some residue on the wire. This type of paraphernalia is consistent with the type of pipe used to smoke crack cocaine.

As Horos was attempting to place Hollan into the cruiser, he allegedly attempted to pull away from the officer, causing Horos to believe Hollan was attempting to escape. "Because of his actions, I had to use sufficient force to prevent Hollan from resisting my efforts to arrest him," Horos wrote.

After arriving at the police station, Horos allowed Hollan to use the restroom. After doing so, Hollan was again handcuffed and cuffed to the detention bench. Hollan allegedly used this opportunity to slip the handcuff from his wrist.

He stood up and announced "I'm (expletive) out of here!" and escaped through the main door of the station. Horos and Officer Hannon chased Hollan about one block from the station before catching him as he tried to elude capture by running through yards.

When finally cornered, Hollan turned and squared off in a fighting stance with both officers and refused all verbal direction and orders to comply with officers. Because of this resistance, I had to use substantial force to overcome Hollen's resistance. Even after being taken to the ground, Hollan continued to refuse to follow verbal commands and give up his arms so he could be handcuffed.

In the other case, Joseph Nemeth, also known as Charles Manson, 40, 237 E. Ridge St. faces charges from an incident which took place at his residence on Jan. 13 at 2:54 p.m. at his residence. Charges were filed by Chief John Turcmanovich and Det. Sgt. Jack Soberick.

Nemeth is charged with unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, and simple assault.

According to an affidavit of probable cause, Soberick and Turcmanovich were dispatched to the house for a possible overdose. While en route, they received additional information that the complainant also reported that this was a domestic and that she had been held against her will for a few hours in the bedroom.

Upon arrival, the officers found Nemeth and the victim, Amanda Nemeth, in the living room, engaged in an argument. Amanda Nemeth was visibly upset and told police that she allegedly had been held in a bedroom for about two hours against her will. She said Joseph Nemeth had physically barricaded her in the bedroom.

Joseph Nemeth was not asked any questions, but immediately began to deny the accusations made by his wife. He was arrested and Amanda Nemeth came to the police station to provide a written statement reporting that:

1. She had come to the house to get items for her baby. She engaged in conversation with Joseph Nemeth about her moving out and a pending divorce. It was about 12:15 p.m., and allegedly Joseph Nemeth told her she was not going to be able to leave.

2. It was at this point the victim said she ws not allowed/able to leave the house. Joseph Nemeth disabled the phone to prevent its use and then followed the victim to the bathroom area and watched her use the facility, again preventing her from leaving the house.

3. After fleeing to the third floor in an effort to get away from the Joseph Nemeth, he followed the victim to this room and would not allow the victim to leave the room. Joseph Nemeth would allegedly physically push the victim away from the doorway and prevented her from smashing out the windows. During the time period of this incident, Joseph Nemeth took the victim's cell phone and smashed it in order to prevent its use.

4. Finally, after the baby began to fuss and the victim claimed she again needed to use the bathroom, Joseph Nemeth allowed her and her baby to go downstairs. he once again watched her use the bathroom. he still did not allow her to leave the house, announcing that they were going to watch him kill himself. At this point, Joseph Nemeth allegedly took pain pills, calmed down and went to take a shower.

5. Seizing this opportunity, the victim plugged in a phone and called for help at 2:28 p.m.

Nemeth was given his Miranda warnings and asked for his side of the story. He refused to make a statement.

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