Chestnuthill column
Haiti relief
The Western Pocono Lions Club took to the streets for donations and accepted donations from its own members to provide support for the struggling people of Haiti. In all $642 was forwarded to the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) in response to the recent earthquake that rocked that impoverished Caribbean nation.
The Western Pocono Lions Club is only one of thousands of Lions Clubs from around the world which are reaching out through (LCIF) to provide needed assistance. LCIF awarded an immediate $50,000 Major Catastrophe Grant to help provide for immediate needs for victims of the calamity. Since then, with more money coming in continuously, as of Jan. 25, $650,000 has been pledged to the foundation to help support relief efforts.
The Western Pocono Lions is grateful to the East Stroudsburg Savings Association, the First National Bank of Palmerton and the First Keystone/Pocono Community Bank for allowing donations to be collected at their places of business.
West End Rotary
Ross the Mentalist will be the featured speaker at the West End Rotary Club on Thursday, Jan 28. The club meets at 7:30 a.m., at the Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville.
AARP Tax Assistance
Salem UCC in Gilbert is again the site for the AARP Tax Assistance help offerings.
The work at the site will begin Feb. 2, and the site will be open from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday and Thursday mornings. Staff will be from the Lehighton Tax Assistance Group.
If the Pleasant Valley School District has a two-hour delay, the hours of operation for the AARP help will be from 10 a.m. to noon.
School board
The Pleasant Valley School District Board of Education will meet at 8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 28, at the district office in Brodheadsville.
CareerLink offers
Various seminars are offered throughout the week at Monroe County's office of CareerLink in Tannersville. Coming up this workweek are: Web site enrollment, mock interviews with Interview Stream, and on Friday, Jan. 29, Computer Basics.
For information or to sign up after having enrolled, call (570) 620-2850.
Birthday greetings
The following folks are celebrating birthdays this week: Joanne Rush, Jean Buchanan, Joan Ressman, Jan. 27; Mertise Wolf, Gabriel Everett, Shirley Quadarella, Jan. 29; Stephen Martin, Tonya Haydt, Nicholas O'Keefe, Sharon Kresge, Jan. 30; Caitlin Pierson, Elizabeth Jeker, Denis Giffels, Sara Galina, Jan. 31; Bob Catina, Emma Van Stone, Wanda Martin, Stacy Bartholomew, Feb. 2
Anniversary wishes
Happy Anniversary to James and Loretta Stanley, Jan. 31, and James and Rose Marie Hangey, Feb. 5