Panther Valley news
VFW meeting
There will be meeting of the Nesquehoning VFW Auxiliary on Feb. 9 starting at 5:30 p.m. with awards for the VOD and Patriotic Pen. A social hour will follow.
The regular meeting of the auxiliary will begin at 6:30 p.m. Those attending are requested to bring a dessert item if possible and be there by 5:30 p.m.
NCFC ladies
The New Columbus Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary plans to meet on Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. President Gerry McConnon will conduct the meeting.
The hospitality committee will be Ursula Digiglio, Lucille Hosier and Sissy McGorry. All hoagie papers are due.
Wednesday evening worship
At 7 p.m. each Wednesday St. John's Lutheran Church, 1 E. Abbott St., Lansford, holds an informal worship: a calming, peaceful evening service with song and Holy Communion. All are welcome.
A simple supper is served at 6 p.m., followed by a brief Bible study at 6:30. In case of questionable weather, call the Rev. Marjorie Keiter, (570) 645-0356.
Summit Hill
Food pantry
The Summit Hill Food Pantry will be packing on Feb. 18 at 9 a.m. Anyone who can help would be appreciated.
The distribution of food is Feb. 23 from 10-11:30 a.m.
The commodities will be given out on Feb. 25, weather permitting. Everyone will receive a phone call.
Historical society
The Summit Hill Historical Society recently held election of officers for 2010, naming Lee Mantz as its president. He succeeds Maxine Vermillion.
Other officers for this year are Harry Miller, vice president; Michele Toniatti, treasurer; Carol Miller, secretary; Darlene Wargo, historian; Katie Wargo, corresponding secretary; and Maxine Vermillion, curator.
The society's membership drive is currently under way. Dues helps the society to maintain operations of its museum on East Ludlow Street and to fund special projects in town.
The society meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the museum.
Shade tree report
Dr. Louis Vermillion, who heads the Summit Hill Shade Tree Commission, recently reported on 2009 activities of the commission, which has an objective of improving the historic beauty of the community by planting and maintaining trees along streets and parks.
Since 2000, when the commission was formed through the efforts of the Summit Hill Historical Society, over 425 trees have been planted. Summit Hill has been honored as a "Tree City USA" community for the past four years.
As part of its initiative, the commission began a memorial tree program in which the public can plant trees in memory of departed members of the community. In addition, the society sponsors three memorial trees each Arbor Day to recognize contributions of former members of the community.
In 2009, the late John J. McCullian, former school board member and youth advocate, Edward Brogan, Medal of Honor recipient, and Joseph Richards, the town's first burgess, were memorialized.
The commission continues to accept nominations and donations toward other memorials, as well as the street tree plantings. For additional information, contact Vermillion at (570) 645-9772.
Garbage rates
Summit Hill Borough Council recently established new garbage rates for 2010. The cost per year is $210, however, homeowners who pay the annual fee, instead of quarterly, will receive a 5 percent discount of $10.50.
Residents opting to pay quarterly will receive four statements per year. Each will be $52.50.
Anyone with questions about the fees can contact borough secretary Kira Michalik at (570) 645-2305.
Cub Scouts
Coaldale Cub Scout Pack 740 is holding its spring enrollment, and invites boys in grades K-5 to enroll for the 2010-2011 Scout year. For more information, call Regina at (570) 645-9234.
Lions Club
The Coaldale Lions Club will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 9 and Tuesday, Feb. 23 at The Viennese Villa in town. Both meetings will begin at 5:45 p.m.
President Robert Ames will preside.