Summit Hill police report
Summit hill police have been handling a number of incidents.
On. Jan. 13, police received a report that a15 year-old borough girl was being harassed by three people. An investigation led police to the three, who were cited for harassment. They are a 15 year-old Summit Hill girl, a 16 year-old Coaldale girl and a 16 year-old boy, also from Coaldale.
Rita Bennyhoff, 49, of 5 N. Market St., was cited for harassment after a female complained to police that she yelled at her as she walked by on Feb. 17.
Richard Lehr Jr., 41, of 293 Blue Mountain Drive, New Ringgold, was cited for driving under the influence, careless driving and failing to obey a stop sign. Police had been called to the 300 block of East Ludlow Street at 2:31 a.m. Oct. 20 for a disturbance - two trucks were spinning their tires. Lehr was driving one of the trucks.
Kristina Houser, 34, of 264 W. Ludlow St., was cited for cruelty to animals after failing to obtain treatment for her dog's skin condition. She had been given a period of time to remedy the situation, but failed to comply. The dog was removed from her home and is doing better, police said.
Robert Neff, 46, of 42 W. Walter St., was charged with driving under the influence, careless driving, and a stop sign violation as a result of an incident on Nov. 27. Police had received a complaint that a vehicle was being driven erratically. The officer saw the vehicle as it failed to stop at a stop sign. The officer stopped the vehicle and gave the driver, Neff, field sobriety tests, which he failed.