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Panther Valley news

Published February 10. 2010 05:00PM


Borough committees

In addition to the borough council committee appointments that were listed in this column last week, Lansford Borough has several other committees that meet to handle borough affairs. They include:

New Building reviews all aspects of financing, establishing and obtaining a new building to house all borough departments; members Bob Gaughan, Tommy Vadyak and Mary Kruczek; meets as needed.

Council of Governments represents the Borough of Lansford on the Panther Valley Council of Governments; members Gaughan and Bob Hackash; meets as needed.

Shared Service addresses the issue of sharing services with Summit Hill and Coaldale; members Lenny Kovach, chairman, and Hackash; meets as needed.

Handicap Parking reviews and recommends handicap parking applications to council; members Kruczek, Mayor Ronald Hood and secretary Nicole Tessitore; meets as needed or when required.

Grants seeks and pursues grants to meet community needs; members Adam Webber, chairman; Danielle Smith and Gaughan; meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Earned Income Tax Reform acts in capacity as a voting delegate for the county committee regarding amendments to the Local Tax Enabling Act (Resolution 2009-10); members Tessitore, primary, and Kruczek, alternate; meets on third Wednesday of designated months at 7 p.m.

Western Carbon County Comprehensive Plan serves with representatives of Jim Thorpe and Summit Hill in identifying principal critical community needs, identifying funding sources for and the creation of a multi-municipal comprehensive plan; members Gaughan and Tessitore; meets on first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Police Pension meets regularly to review the plan and the performance of the trustee and makes recommendations to council; members Tessitore, John Turcmanovich and Frank Serina; meets as needed.

Summit Hill

Republican Club

The Summit Hill Republican Club will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 11, at 7 p.m. in the Summit Hill Borough Hall.

Topics to be discussed will include goals for the upcoming year as well as seeking individuals interested in running for the Carbon County Republican Committee in the May 18 Primary Election. Voter registration forms and candidates' petitions will be available.

President Stephen Redash will be in charge of the meeting and extends an invitation for all to attend. New members are always welcome.

Membership dues for 2010 will be accepted at the meeting or they can be mailed to club treasurer Darlene Wargo, 111 E. Fell St., Summit Hill, Pa. 18250.

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