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Panther Valley news

Published February 19. 2010 05:00PM


Outreach meeting

The Outreach Committee of St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford, will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. at the home of Mary Ellen Ogozalek, 246 E. Bertsch St.

The meeting is open to interested persons.

For more information of the work of the committee, contact Mary Ellen, (570) 645-3719, Dorothy, 645-2580, or Mary, 645-4237.

Stations of Cross

Stations of the Cross will be observed tonight at 7 o'clock in St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford.

Lansford sign-ups

The Lansford Baseball Association will hold registration sessions for the 2010 season on March 2, 3 and 4 from 6-8 p.m. at the American Legion Post Home.

Registrations will be accepted for the T-ball, Little League, 10-14 year old girls' softball and Babe Ruth programs. Parents and players are asked to use the side entrance.

A copy of a birth certificate is needed for first-time players. Registration fees will be collected and fundraisers will be distributed.

For more information, contact Mike Turrano, (570) 645-9754, or Josie Uher, 645-2407.

Summit Hill

Sign-ups slated

The Summit Hill/Nesquehoning Little League has scheduled sign-ups for Saturday, Feb. 20, from 10 a.m. to noon at both the Summit Hill and Nesquehoning Borough buildings.

Lions to meet

The Summit Hill Lions Club will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 6:30 p.m. at the Parkview Inn. Dr. Kenneth Vermillion, president, will be in charge of the session.

The district governor will be in attendance. He will be joined by the new officers of the Weatherly Lions Club that was sponsored by the Summit Hill Lions.

Also in attendance will be Al Sellers, who will provide information about the upcoming census that will be taken.

A new member will also be inducted.

Members attending are reminded to bring a canned good for the Purple Pig "Feed the Hungry Project."

Members are reminded dues for 2010 are now being accepted. They can be sent to the club at P.O. Box 123, Summit Hill, Pa. 18250, or can be forwarded to secretary Ann Yusella.

Persons interested in becoming members of the service club can contact Dr. Kenneth Vermillion.


First Congregational

A congregational meeting will take place following the 9 a.m. service on Sunday, Feb. 21, at First Congregational Church, Ruddle Street.

Sunday School will follow at 10 a.m.

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