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Summit Hill News

Published March 16. 2010 05:00PM

Program for Catholics

The three area Catholic churches will participate in "Encountering the Merciful Savior," an effort to increase the number of Catholics who receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Programs will take place on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m. in St. Francis of Assisi Church, Nesquehoning; Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and Fridays from 10-11 a.m. in St. Joseph Church, Summit Hill; and on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and Fridays from 6-7 p.m. in St. Katharine Drexel Church, Lansford.

Summit Hill

Annual campaign

The Diligence Fire Company No. 1, Summit Hill, has announced its annual fund drive for 2010. The drive is the company's major source of income and assists the company in capital expenses, including truck loan payments, equipment and operational expenses.

Of particular consideration to the company are decisions relating to older vehicles, including the 1984 Seagraves ladder truck and the 1987 KME pumper/tanker. In addition, an upgrade of self-contained breathing apparatus used by the firemen has a $60,000 price tag.

In 2009, members of DFC made 159 emergency responses and volunteered 6,086 man hours for things like routine maintenance of equipment, fundraising, administrative duties, department meetings, Fire Prevention Week activities, weekly drills and state and local level training.

The firemen are hoping for a substantial increase in participation in the fund drive, since only 47 percent of the borough residents gave a year ago.

Included in the fund drive mailing is a donor survey form. The firemen are asking residents to complete the form to allow them to have more information about households in the event they are summoned. Information about elderly persons, handicapped individuals, pets, etc., helps the firemen have a better understanding of what they can expect to find upon response.

Residents can mail their donation and survey form to the fire company or they can be dropped off at the borough hall, John's Auto or Breslin's Hilltop News.

Serving in leadership capacities at DFC this year are: Larry Black, president; Shawn Hoben, fire chief; Len Ogozalek Sr., fire police captain; and John Allesch, fire police lieutenant.

Scripture sharing

The weekly scripture sharing sessions at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, will resume on Thursday, March 18, at 7 p.m. in the parish rectory.

Water authority

The Summit Hill Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 17, at 7 p.m. in the borough hall. John Michalik, president, will be in charge.

Food Pantry

The Summit Hill Food Pantry will be open on March 23 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please remember to bring your bags and extra bags for extra food items.


VFW auxiliary

The monthly meeting of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary to Post 8008 was held on March 9 at the post home with Cathy Sommers, president in charge.

The Loyalty Day program will be held on Saturday, May 1 at the post home. The public is invited with the time to be announced.

Buddy Poppy Days at Redner's will be the weekend of May 7-9. The Buddy Poppy Queen sign up sheet will be posted at the post home. Daughters and granddaughters of all members, age 4-12, are eligible.

The post sponsored a Miller bloodmobile collection on Feb. 17. The next visit is scheduled for April 21. Seventy-five cards were sent by members present. Membership currently stands at 67 of 76 paid for 2010. All members who have not yet paid their dues should do so as soon as possible. No information on the District VOD banquet has been received yet. Members were thanked for the good job on the Easter Candy booklet.

The 61st anniversary dinner will be held on Thursday, April 22, at 6 p.m. Reservations can be made by calling Maureen Hirochek at (570) 669-6578.

The annual Easter Egg Hunt, for children and grandchildren of all members, will be held on Saturday, March 27, at noon in the social hall. Pre-registration is required and a sign-up sheet is posted at the post home.

Donations were made to VFW-PAC, the Department President's Special Project and the Nesquehoning Conservation Club for the fishing contest. Citations were received for the Cancer program and the VFW National Home Health and Happiness Fund.

The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13, at 6:30 p.m., at the post home. Nomination and election of officers for 2010-2011 will be held at the April meeting. All members are encouraged to attend.

Crime watch

The Nesquehoning Crime watch meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 23 at 7 p.m., at the Nesquehoning Borough Building.

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