Brain drain
Dear Editor:
As you might expect from some of my earlier Letters to the Editor, I did not watch the State of the Union Address.
Neither the Supreme Court nor the Republicans had much enthusiasm for what our rock star president had to say. I thought for those folks it was euthanasia. Just stick me with the needle and let me pass to a better world. I had a better book to read and thought the next day every one was reading into what was or not said. In fact it was almost like paralysis. "BRAIN DRAIN" Do you realize that he used the word "I" more than 85 times. It's like Spector and the rest of the DUNG BEETLE congress always boasting their actions getting reading for the next election. Since when did the word TEAM have an "I" in it.
Even the president said he would rather be a no term president than a two-term president. I think that's right, but who cares. If there was as much time spent on the job market and reducing the debt than the bogus Medicare bill we would all be better off. And to think the wake up call from good olé' Teddy's town. Even Hillary said she is out. Now we have Obama, a lame duck president and Sec'y of state and their "I" legislation running the country.
"I" would offer one suggestion, PUT UP OR SHUT UP when you vote this election. Don't complain if you are not willing to vote this election to get the dung beetles out of congress.
From the pen of
K. Treger