Tamaqua vandalism
Vandals struck dozens of places in Tamaqua on Monday night, leaving behind a variety of spray painted messages and graffiti.
Three juvenile males are suspected of being involved in the criminal mischief. Homes, businesses, personal vehicles and a number of vehicles for sale at Rottet Motors were all targeted. Areas involved reportedly included Greenwood Street, Hazle Street and Schuylkill Avenue.
The three suspects are described as being between the ages of 10-14. All had dark hair. One of the males was wearing a black jacket, blue shirt, jeans and a hat. Suspect two was wearing a blue and white hat, worn backwards, a grey sweater and sweat pants, while the third was wearing a white hoodie and red pants and had a clear packpack with cans of spray paint inside.
Anyone with information may contact police at 668-6100.