Eldred column
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is Feb. 17, marking the beginning of Lent.
St. Matthew's will hold a prayer workshop with the Rev. Joseph Lachcik at 10 a.m. and a 7:30 p.m. service with the administration of ashes.
All are welcome to attend.
Birthday Bash
St. Matthew's UCC will be holding a Birthday Bash event on Saturday, March 13 at 5 p.m. It will be a night of food, entertainment and fun.
Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish.
If you have been looking for a church family, this might be just the night to come and socialize with the members.
Please contact the church at (610) 381-2442 to reserve your seat at your birthday month table by Feb. 28.
Eldred Township Historical Society
The Eldred Township Historical Society will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Eldred Township municipal building. Everyone who attends should bring an item for "Show and Tell" and try to stump everyone.
Birthday wishes
If you see any of these neighbors this week, be sure to wish them a Happy Birthday: Feb. 15 - Erica Breinich, Christopher Robertson, Brian Tartar, Dean Borger; Feb. 16 - Angela Smith; Feb. 17 - Lila Kleintop, Michelle Berhel; Feb. 18 - Nancy May, Dale Smith; Feb. 19 - Elvin Gower; Feb. 20 - Lindsey Blundetto; Feb. 21 - Forrest Bonser, Connie Frantz, Dwight Hawk, Dan Bonser.