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Special dates and times

Published April 03. 2010 09:00AM

Dear Editor:

I had some thoughts recently on how special dates play a role in our lives. We draw a line in the sand and cannot move one way or the other to change. For example: The summer starts on Memorial Day. The bridges, before that date are up and do not allow anyone to cross over to sandy beaches. Then the summer's end on Labor Day. I also suspect that on the Tuesday after Labor Day the Atlantic Ocean recedes until next spring. And the canal bridges are again reopened so no one can access the beaches.

I had the occasion to read the TIMES NEWS about the three county fire companies were fighting a stubborn brush fire. The comment was that "The forest fire season begins the last week of March. So aircraft was not available until next week." Who made the rule? Do we have such a strict line drawn in the sand when it comes to the health and welfare of our firefighters that we have a set time when to use aircraft to fight a fire? Are we that short sighted?

From the pen of

Ken Treger, Lehighton

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