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Summit Hill/Lansford News

Published March 23. 2010 05:00PM

Summit Hill

Anthracite League

The Anthracite Little League (comprised of the former Summit Hill and Nesquehoning leagues) continued its planning for the upcoming season at a meeting held Sunday night.

All levels of play will begin practices this week. Parents can contact president Roobhenn Smith, (570) 645-2272 or 484-547-3522 for additional information.

The league will hold cleanup days at both fields on Saturday, March 27. All parents and/or volunteers are asked to help get the fields ready for the season.

Holy Week schedule

The Rev. James Burdess, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, has announced the Holy Week schedule at the church as follows:

Holy Wednesday, March 31 "Encountering the Merciful Savior" confessions from 6-8 p.m.

Holy Thursday, April 1 Commemoration of the Last Supper, 7 p.m.; and Personal Reflection "in the Garden," until the 10 p.m. night prayer.

Good Friday, April 2 Liturgical Commemoration of the Passion, noon; and Personal Reflection "at the Tomb," until 10 p.m. night prayer.

Holy Saturday, April 3 Easter basket blessing, 11 a.m.; Easter egg hunt, noon; and Easter Vigil Mass, 8 p.m.

Easter Sunday, April 4 Masses at 7, 9 and 11 a.m.

Communion breakfast

The Women of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, invite participation at their Annual Lenten Communion Breakfast to be held on Saturday, March 27. The breakfast will take place at 9 a.m. and will be followed by the program at 10 o'clock.

For more information, contact Donnas Miller or Paige Rex, (570) 645-5918, or Mary Ann Hazel, (610) 824-6490.


Babe Ruth plans

The Lansford Babe Ruth program will hold a coaches' meeting on Wednesday, March 24, at 7 p.m. at the Lansford American Legion Legion. All coaches are urged to attend.

The field cleanup is scheduled (weather permitting) for March 29, 30 and 31 from 5 p.m. until dark. Tryouts for all new players will be held on Monday, April 5, at 5:30 p.m.

For more information, call Mike Turanno, (570) 645-9754, or Josie Uher, 645-2407.

Community Easter egg hunt

The Improvement Committee of Lansford Alive will hold a Free Community Easter Egg Hunt at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 27, at the Lansford Swimming Pool grounds. All children up to age 10 from the community of Lansford are invited to attend.

The Easter Bunny will arrive by fire truck, courtesy of Lansford American Fire Company No. 1, at 1 p.m. Separate hunting sections will be setup for toddlers with parents and age groups 3-6 and 7-10. Children are asked to bring their basket for collecting eggs.

In conjunction with the Easter Egg Hunt, Boyer's Food Markets of Lansford will be announcing the winners of its Easter Coloring Contest at the end of the event. Coloring sheets are available at Boyer's in Lansford. In order to participate in the contest, finished sheets must be dropped off at Boyer's in Lansford by Friday, March 26 and will be on display in the store through Easter.


Easter egg hunt

The annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Nesquehoning Recreation Center will be held on Saturday, April 3 at 1 p.m., at the recreation center.

Only Nesquehoning residents ages 10 and under are eligible.

Registration takes place at the recreation center during bingo on Wednesdays between 5-10 p.m.

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