Panther Valley news
Zion Lutheran Church
Morning worship begins Sunday at 9 a.m. The Rev. John Hazel is pastor. Visitors are always welcome.
Rev. Hazel will be on vacation April 5 through April 11. The Rev. Marjorie Keiter will be available for pastoral concerns, (570) 645-0356.
The next coffee hour will be held on Sunday, April 18, immediately following the morning worship service.
Church council will meet on Saturday, April 17 at 6 p.m.
Summit Hill
Spring cleanup
Summit Hill Borough officials have announced plans to conduct the annual spring cleanup as follows:
On Thursday, April 22, the contractor will pick up refuse on the east side of town, along with Knepper's Trailer Lots and East and West White Bear drives.
On Tuesday, April 27, refuse will be picked up on the west side of town, along with Laurel Drive and East and West Mountaintop roads.
Among the items that will be picked up are up to five tires, tire rims, auto body parts, refrigerators, freezers, vending machines, dehumidifiers, water coolers, heat pumps, washers, dryers and stoves. All items must have all chemicals removed from them and their doors taken off.
In addition, up to 10 bags of garbage will be collected.
St. Paul Lutheran
The schedule for St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, for next week is as follows:
Sunday, April 11 - Sunday school, 9 a.m., and service of worship, 10:30 a.m.
Monday, April 12 - Confirmation class meeting, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, April 13 - church council meeting, 7 p.m.
Church members are reminded the Rev. John F. Hazel Jr., pastor, will be away until April 11. Anyone in need of pastoral assistance during this time, should call the Rev. Marjorie Keiter, (570) 645-0356.
Legion to meet
The monthly meeting of American Legion Post 316, Summit Hill, will be held on Monday, April 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the post home.
Commander W. Kevin O'Donnell will be in charge of the session.
The first nominations of officers will take place.
A meeting of the Home Association will immediately follow the post's meeting.
Presbyterian church
The schedule for the Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, Summit Hill, for Sunday, April 11, is as follows:
Sunday school and adult Bible study, 9 a.m.; and worship service, 10:30 a.m.
Building committee
The Lansford Borough Council's New Building Committee will meet on Monday, April 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Lansford Borough Office, 26 E. Patterson St.