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Spring is in the air

Published March 27. 2010 09:00AM

Spring is in the air!


We had some glorious days lately. Beautiful sunny days that beckon me outside to wander around the flower beds.

I have pink and purple crocuses blooming. The daffodils and tulips are pushing up out of their sleepy hibernation.

Cough cough.

I've had flocks of robins pay a visit in the back yard. On Sunday morning, one was perched in the tree outside my front door and sang so sweetly to me and God, as I got in my car to drive to church. I think there was something in his song about "Fair are the meadows, Fair are the woodlands, Robed in the flowers of blooming spring; Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer, He makes our sorrowing spirit sing."

Spring does indeed make my sorrowing spirit sing.

Gone are those dark, gloomy gray days of winter. Soon the trees will begin to bud along with the forsythia bushes. I love their bright sunny yellow flowers, the first real harbinger of spring that is so vibrantly visible as I drive along country roads.

Sniff sniff.

People are walking around in shorts and capris, flip flops and sandals and sunglasses.

Folks are sitting on their porches.

There are spring floral wreaths hanging on front doors and Easter decorations are sprouting up in front yards and store windows.

We went shopping on Sunday with my nieces to look for Easter outfits. Its so nice to see young girls still get excited about wearing pretty dresses.

I use to love shopping for an Easter outfit. That meant new dress, new white shoes, hat, gloves and purse. Our dresses were always in some pastel spring color.

My sister informed me that all the Smith girls were wearing hats again this Easter Sunday, just because. I don't even own a hat anymore, except an old one I wear when I go fishing.

Which reminds me. Springtime is the start of trout season, which opens on April 17. Boy, what memories I have of all those first days of fishing with my grandfather and then with my three best buds, Connie and Dora, on beautiful early spring mornings. Later, I shared first fishing days with Becky and Harry and more recently with my nieces and nephew. Good times.

Wipe wipe.

Yes, I have a cold. I feel yucky but oh so fortunate because this is the first time I've had one throughout the whole cold and flu season. But even with the sneezing, the flu-like symptoms and coughing, I can't get enough of this sunshine!

I'm going to approach this temporary inconvenience like I'm a sloughing off my winter coat of doldrums. When I feel back to normal again, I'm going to think of it as a rebirth, like spring.

The earth sloughs off her winter coat of grays and browns and replaces her mantle with lush greens and flowers the bright colors of the rainbow.

The birds and animals are pairing up and building nests, preparing for new life.

Children are riding bikes, running and jumping on playgrounds, with voices raised in laughter and exuberance of the bliss of being outside.

Walkers, runners, bikers all race to enjoy the warmer temperatures that seems to feed their energy.

The plant and animal kingdom, as well as homo sapiens, are embracing springtime as if welcoming a long-lost friend.

I know I am. I feel the warmth of Mother Nature's arms around me. I feel Father Sun kiss my face. Springtime is calling.

Wait a minute, let me feel my forehead.

Ahhh yes. It is indeed warm.

I do believe I have Spring Fever!

How about you?

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