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Published May 08. 2010 09:00AM

We all remember the outrage against the Bush administration following Hurriane Katrina, and the damage done to New Orleans and surrounding areas. Critics argued that not enough was done to help bring the area back to normal, and the government was lax.

We'll see how this administration reacts to the devastation brought on by the huge oil slick that's wrecking the waters and coastline of Louisiana. This catastrophe could have longer-lasting effects than even Katrina.

There are plans to put a resort casino near the grounds of historic Gettysburg. I hope that doesn't happen.

For those who oppose the recent anti-immigration law passed in Arizona, aimed at curtailing the influx of illegal aliens, what would you suggest be done to stop the endless parade of illegals into the state. Those who are crying that it's racial profiling probably don't have to put up with the problem, because thousands of illegals aren't sneaking across their borders every month.

One of the nicer stories we reported on in recent weeks is the one about the students from Weatherly who are donating their time and expertise to teach senior citizens how to use computers and the Internet.

The reaction by the street vendors in New York's Times Square, who discovered and reported on the SUV loaded with explosives, was heroic. Had that car bomb gone off, hundreds of lives would have been lost and the terrorists could claim another victory. But the vendors, some of whom are disabled veterans, showed how vigilant we all must be in these trying times.

Were you thinking about skipping your vacation this year? Too expensive, maybe, or perhaps the pressures of your job make a week or two off something you don't feel comfortable with. If that's the case, here's a statistic you might want to think about. According to a recent article in Mother Jones magazine, middle-aged men who skip vacations for five years increase their risk of heart attack by 30 percent.

So maybe a few days at the shore or in the mountains isn't such a bad idea.

Wow! Tiger Woods missed the cut last week, by a lot. Think he has other things on his mind?

Inflation? There's a place in New York City called Cafe Grumpy. Its latest claim to fame is that it sells a special blend of coffee for $12 a cup. If I had to pay that much for a cup of coffee I'd be grumpy also.

Take this to the bank. Gasoline prices will be more than $3 a gallon by Memorial Day. And in the next few months, shrimp will be about $15 a pound because of the Oil spill down south.

One thing I didn't realize until I became a grandfather. Disposable diapers aren't cheap.

Support your letter carriers today as they collect nonperishable food items as part of Stamp Out Hunger drive to replenish area food banks.

Hard to believe that "24" the best action show on television, has been on for eight years. Too bad it's not going to be on for a ninth season.

The Obama administration revealed this week that the U.S. has 5,113 nuclear warheads in its stockpile. I'm not sure why we would want to reveal that to the rest of the world. It's sort of like showing a winning poker hand to your opponents while bets are still being made.

The fan who ran onto the field during the Phillies game this week got what he deserved after a police officer tasered him while he was trying to run away.

It's been 79 years since these words were first written. Yet they hold true to this day.

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.

"What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

"The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

"When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.

"You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." ......... Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

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