An apology
Dear Editor:
Wednesday evening (April 21) we went to meet the candidates for our 122 District, at the Mahoning Valley Ambulance. Only the two Republicans of the six who indicated they would be there actually showed. One of the missing sent a letter. A couple called. One had another campaign function to attend. Guess we were just chopped meat. A Libertarian candidate, who was not scheduled, and who will not be on the ballot this primary, was allowed to speak.
The two who showed were knowledgeable and the people were engaging. The Libertarian was a bit over the top. Once it was made clear his party is Pro-Abortion, even before actually, the people were utterly put off.
Wishing to join the Lehighton 912 Project, the sponsors of the event, I went to their table, following the event.
As I was there, there was a lady giving a donation. I reached around her to fill another form for their newsletter, then speaking with Mr. Salerno about the 912 Project.
As I was leaving I realized I may have been discourteous to the lady giving the donation.
May I please say here. Mam please forgive me, I apologize, if I did behave as I think I might had. It is not my way and I had difficulty sleeping because of, my perceived misconduct.
It is citizens like you who make the country great. gain my apologizes.
Yours truly,
Michael Noctor
1500 Evergreen Ave #307