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Politics is the practice of the possible

Published April 17. 2010 09:00AM

Dear Editor:

My letter is in response to Mr. Gordon Smith's March 6 letter, "America ... Love it, Restore it and Preserve it."

Mr. Smith: Your disrespect for our President Barrack Obama is obvious when you referred to him as "Obama" rather than President Obama.

After reading your column, it appears to me that you have political aspirations. I guess you'll run on the Republican ticket with the help of the Tea Party, who (in my opinion) are mostly Republicans hiding in a tea bag. You have many good ideas to make reference as to what politicians should do. Politics is the practice of the possible, not what one thinks should be done. Mr. Smith, I don't believe you once mentioned how any of your suggestions can be achieved. President Wilson masterminded the concept of Social Security. President Franklin D. Roosevelt led the effort and figured out how to get it passed into law. That's the bottom line-HOW. President Kennedy inspired our nation about civil rights and President Johnson led the way and got it passed into law plus President Johnson led the way in getting the Medicaid Bill passed. He knew HOW to get important laws passed that helps little guys like me.

Mr. Smith, you mentioned the oil embargo of the early '70s. You failed to mention how the major oil-producing countries begged the United States for a fair shake on what we were paying for oil. For 10 years starting in the early '60s the giant oil companies suggested that the price of oil be controlled by our cost of living index. Our politicians totally ignored their request. Maybe it would have been beneficial to pull up a chair and talk to the oil people, reaching a fair price for all.

You said that you believed the United States should give foreign aid only to countries that like us. What constitutes a "country that likes us?" Their current administration or their next leader or a certain percentage of their population that likes us? A large percentage of our foreign aid goes to countries that support our overseas' goals. Helping Haiti, as you said, "Is a good idea." I agree. You failed to mention that aid is needed for New Orleans-many people in New Orleans are still without electricity in the homes that they didn't get a dime to rebuild.

You also said that we can build clean coal plants. Sir, there are no clean coal plants. Masontown, PA. is located several miles from a coal burning power plant. The filth that comes out of the stacks shortens the lives of the shingles on the surrounding homes. Leaving a drink outside on the picnic table in five minutes becomes undrinkable.

Call someone in Masontown. What are the particulates coming out of those stacks doing to the lungs of babies that are living there? The said fact is that we will need all of our energy producing sources. Need will be the determinate as to what energy sources we will rely upon in the future.

In conclusion, you said Americans must do what is right. Who should determine what is right for everyone? You further wrote in your conclusion that you think you can save our country. Sir, what are you going to save us from? I don't believe you have the talent to reduce unemployment, stop war, feed the hungry, improve the housing problem, educate the poor, clean up our water problem nor heal the sick. The KKK hated the African Americans. Many hated the Irish and Jews and you appear to hate illegal aliens. To hate is wrong. Would Jesus Christ support anyone's position on hate, including yours? Love is Good. Hope is Good. However, Charity is, in the long run, what makes us all better human beings.

Thank you,

Lloyd Vought


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