Can we stand 10 more months?
Dear Editor,
At the April meeting of the Rush Township supervisors, the first thing on the agenda was to remove Mr. Shamonsky! Shamonsky was escorted from the building by two Rush Township Police Officers without him offering a single word.
We have a fine police force and it's a shame the taxpayers have to suffer the expense of an extra officer, following the orders of two supervisors that lack experience in answering questions or the so-called disruptive outbursts from the floor.
Supervisors Simchak and Leibensberger bring the discontent on themselves with their condescending and self serving attitudes. I am sure Leibensberger will also have a letter to rebut this. He seems to have taken over the position of Speaker of the House and will counter with "some people only complain" and offer no solutions.
He will also tell us they have a grand 10 year plan to better the township. My question is, can we stand 10 more months of their way of government?
How about some change we can believe in? If you have nothing better to do, attend next month's Rush Township Supersivors' meeting. It's almost as good as watching an old Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy show!
Tom Klein
Rush Township