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Summit Hill News

Published April 21. 2010 05:00PM

Program on living will

A program entitled Living Wills will be presented at St. Francis of Assisi Church on West Mill Street, Nesquehoning, on Saturday, April 24, beginning at 10 a.m.

All are invited to stop by and attend this free program. The speaker will be Victoria Stefrenek.

Please call Fran Yacapsin at (570) 645-5867 to make reservations, so that there are enough materials for everyone.

Summit Hill

Authority notice

In the interest of coordination of construction/rehabilitation work between the borough and homeowners, the Summit Hill Water Authority requests property owners who will be doing sidewalk work at their properties, to contact the authority office. Authority members point out that things like curb stops and line work can be performed in coordination with a property owners' work, as opposed to having to tear up new construction after it is completed for municipal service purposes.

The authority can be reached at (570) 645-3223.

Food distribution

The Summit Hill Food Pantry distributes food to the needy in town on the fourth Tuesday of the month between 10 a.m. and noon.

The Summit Hill Lions Club has taken on the task of assisting the pantry with its distributions as a service project. Boxes are usually packed on a Thursday, beginning at 9 a.m., and are distributed on the fourth Tuesday, starting at 9 a.m.

For information about the pantry, call Rose Marie Armon, (570) 645-3604 or Sandra Hill, 645-4617.

The pantry, a non-denominational entity, is always in need of donations and manual assistance. To donate items or your time, contact the above persons as well.

Shade Tree plans

The Summit Hill Shade Tree Commission will be conducting its annual Arbor Day planting of memorial trees on Saturday, April 24.

The ceremony will take place at 9 a.m. in Memorial Park, adjacent to the post office.

Trees will be planted in various parks in the borough and will be ordered in the next few weeks. Anyone wishing to purchase a tree in memory or honor of someone may contact Lou Vermillion, (570) 645-9772, or John Kupec, (570) 645-9466.

The public is invited to the ceremony and volunteers are always welcome to help with the plantings. Since the Shade Tree ordinance was enacted in 2000, the commission and volunteers have planted over 400 trees in the parks and along the streets in Summit Hill.


Choir rehearsal

The choir of St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford, will rehearse tonight after the 6 o'clock Mass in the church.

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