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Published May 01. 2010 09:00AM

Compared to their neighbours south of the border, Canadians live longer, healthier lives.

David Feeny, from Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Oregon, worked with a team of American researchers to study data from the Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health 2002/03. He said, "Canada and the US share a common border and enjoy very similar standards of living, yet life expectancy in Canada is higher than in the U.S. There are two distinct potential explanations for the gap: differences in access to health care and in the prevalence of poverty".

Canadians have a universal 'prenatal to grave' health service, which is free at point of care, while Americans' access to health insurance is typically based on employment, income (Medicaid), or age (Medicare), and is not universal. The degree of social inequality is also more pronounced in the U.S. The researchers found that Canadians can expect 2.7 more years of 'perfect health' than Americans.

I don't want to argue with the scientists, but my theory is Canadians live longer than we do because of two things the fishing is better in Canada, and they drink Molson.

You know what's nice about the NFL draft? After it's over, and all the selections have been thoroughly analyzed, every team, and all of its fans, think they'll go 16-0 next season. Hope springs eternal in the spring.

Hardly a week goes by that the TIMES NEWS police log doesn't contain several arrests for shoplifting at the Hometown Walmart. Why do people continually think they're going to get away with it, when it's obvious security at the store is doing its job, and doing it well?

There is sentiment in Louisville, Ky. to move the Kentucky Derby to a prime-time, night event. I hope it never happens. The mint-julep, big hats extravaganza, has always been held during the day, and nothing should change that tradition.

How much do you think the Yankees jersey, autographed by the team, that was given to President Obama this week when the champion Yankees visited the White House, would be worth on Ebay?

A loyal reader sent this list along, calling it "Things you don't hear anymore".

See if you agree

Be sure to refill the ice trays, we're going to have company.

Quit slamming the screen door when you go out!

Be sure and pull the windows down when you leave, it looks like a shower is coming up.

Don't forget to wind the clock before you go to bed.

Wash your feet before you go to bed, you've been playing outside all day barefooted.

Why can't you remember to roll up your britches legs? Getting them caught in the bicycle chain so many times is tearing them up.

You have torn the knees out of that pair of pants so many times there is nothing left to put a patch on.

Don't you go outside with your school clothes on!

Go comb your hair; it looks like the rats have nested in it all night.

Be sure and pour the cream off the top of the milk when you open the new bottle.

Take that empty bottle to the store with you so you won't have to pay a deposit on another one.

Put a dish towel over the cake so the flies won't get on it.

Quit jumping on the floor! I have a cake in the oven and you are going to make it fall if you don't quit!

Let me know when the Fuller Brush man comes by, I need to get a few things from him.

You boys stay close by, the car may not start and I will need you to help push it off.

There's a dollar in my purse, get 5 gallons of gas when you go to town.

Open the back door and see if we can get a breeze through here, it is getting hot.

You can walk to the store; it won't hurt you to get some exercise.

Don't sit too close to the TV. It is hard on your eyes.

If you pull that stunt again, I am going to wear you out!

Don't lose that button, I'll sew it back on after awhile.

Wash under your neck before you come to the table, you have beads of dirt and sweat all under there.

Get out from under the sewing machine; pumping it messes up the thread!

Be sure and fill the lamps this morning so we don't have to do that tonight in the dark.

Here, take this old magazine to the toilet with you when you go, we are almost out of paper out there.

Go out to the well and draw a bucket of water so I can wash dishes.

Don't turn the radio on now, I want the battery to be up when the Grand Ole Opry comes on.

No! I don't have 10 cents for you to go to the show. Do you think money grows on trees?

Eat those turnips, they'll make you big and strong like your daddy.

That dog is NOT coming in this house! I don't care how cold it is out there, dogs don't stay in the house.

Sit still! I'm trying to get your hair cut straight and you keep moving and it is all messed up.

Hush your mouth! I don't want to hear words like that! I'll wash your mouth out with soap!

It is time for your system to be cleaned out. I am going to give you a dose of castor oil tonight.

If you get a spanking in school and I find out about it, you'll get another one when you get home.

Quit crossing your eyes! They will get stuck that way!

Soak your foot in this pan of kerosene so that bad cut won't get infected.

When you take your driving test, don't forget to signal each turn. Left arm straight out the window for a left turn; left arm up bent at the elbow for a right turn; and straight down to the side of the door when you are going to stop.

It's: 'Yes Ma'am!' and 'No Ma'am!' to me, young man, and don't you forget it!

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