The power of you
Dear Editor:
One Roman senator proposed a law making it mandatory for all slaves to wear white arm bands so that nobility could tell the difference between a slave and a freeman. Another senator immediately objected stating "I think that is a bad idea. If they realize how many of them there are, they will revolt." So with this in mind, the first part of reclaiming our Republic is for us to realize we've been living as slaves. We no longer own anything and we have to ask for permission for everything we do (bear arms, drive our cars, start a business, peaceably assemble etc.) We are even taxed more than the peasants were under the feudal system with those who actually pay the taxes seeing none of the benefits.
The people create the government not the other way around. What made our country so great was that our elected officials weren't chosen to rule over us as many of them today think but to serve our interest (within their specific limitations listed in the constitution) and provide a neutral court where we can resolve our differences.
In the recent May 18th primary both political parties endorsed a candidate for governor backed by special interest then told their loyal parties followers how to vote and guess what? All of the good Republicans and all of the good Democrats ran out and did what they were told to do? Insanity is described as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. When are we going to realize when a political party endorses a candidate that candidate is funded by special interest not our interest. Special interest donates to both sides, getting what they want no matter who wins. One candidate, Sam Rohrer, during his 18 years in state government never breached his oath of office to uphold and defend the constitution nor took special interest money but yet lost to an opponent who took money from the teachers union (whom a true conservative is supposed to be against). Mr. Rohrer has also been on a crusade to end the property tax which would have kept lawless school boards from forcing people out of their homes. But once again the people of Pennsylvania lose and get the choice of the lesser of two evils.
But besides elections, there is another peaceful way to reclaim our government and that is through the jury's. When we serve on a jury we have the ability to nullify any law that violates are basic rights and/or constitution or any law that takes a legal library to interpret. Laws should be written clearly and concisely and not left up to interpretation. If not, we can reject them and find the accused innocent with no repercussions. This makes us above the law and more powerful than the president, all of Congress and all of the judges combined. Let's use our power to reclaim our country.
Gene Duffy
Jim Thorpe
Freedom Rallies at meetupdotcom