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Volunteers sought for cleanup of GAR Cemetery in Summit Hill

  • 20090921-125103-pic-995580491.jpg
    SPECIAL TO TIMES NEWS Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery Board Secretary Carol Miller (left) and Summit Hill Historical Society President Maxine Vermillion are two of the several volunteers who helped recently with painting sections of the GAR Cemetery fence. The GAR Board of Directors is looking for volunteers to help with a fall clean up on Saturday, September 26th at 9AM at the hilltop cemetery on the east end of White Street.
Published October 05. 2009 02:55PM

The Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery Association is seeking volunteers to assist with a fall cleanup day at the cemetery on the east end of White Street on Saturday, Sept. 26th at 9 a.m..

"We are so grateful to the support we have received from the area and the community over the past four months. It's been encouraging to all of us as we seek to save this cemetery and restore it to its state as a local landmark," said GAR President David A. Wargo. He noted they have just begun to make changes and improve the property.

Wargo said the board is hoping for volunteers to help with the clean up. Scheduled for the service day is removal of the hedge between the cemetery and St. Joseph's Cemetery, trimming back brush, cutting and trimming shrubbery in the cemetery and if the weather allows to continue painting the fence as well as other maintenance as needed. If possible, some work will be done on the building as well.

He said volunteers should bring gloves, shovels and other equipment for working outside as well as garbage bags if possible. Light refreshments will be available during the clean up. Wargo said the rain date for the cleanup would be Sunday.

Wargo said their plans are only just getting underway. He said the board is hoping to provide a flower service for those that live too far from the cemetery, landscape a new section for plot sales and plan some special events for next year. "The cemetery has been not only a place for our loved ones, but many of us use it for walking and exercise. We want people to feel welcome and comfortable visiting here so we are planning some events in the future for the community."

If you are interested in assisting with the clean up, please contact Wargo at (570) 657-0792 or Carol Miller at (570) 645-5998.

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