Palmerton Ambulance launches fund drive
They do their part to serve the community 24/7.
Now, all the Palmerton Community Ambulance Association Inc., asks of residents is to fill out and return its annual subscription fund drive
The 2009-10 subscription fund drive is now being mailed out. Those who don't receive one may contact the office at 610-826-7600 and leave their name and address to ensure one will be sent to them.
In an attempt to make things easier, the ambulance association has made the forms simple for the community to fill out, according to Jeanie Solarczyk, president of the PCAA.
Solarczyk said monies from the subscription drive membership, the public and a few organizations is how the PCAA receives financial help for the association, along with ABE Billing company for the insurance billing. In addition, there are also several "EMS" grants that assist the PCAA as well, she said.
"We do want the community to know that we are very grateful for the returns on the subscriptions," Solarczyk said. "Being a member also entitles them to a discount on the wheelchair van versus paying the regular price."
Within a few weeks, Solarczyk said the PCAA will purchase a newer ambulance, along with some new equipment to better serve the community.
She said the PCAA rents its big meeting room out for bridal showers/parties; helps the boys scouts and girl scouts with getting badges that deal with first aid and emergencies; provide tours for day care and school age children; and also educate senior citizens on health issues.
The PCAA is a nonprofit organization that offers Basic Life Support ambulance that provides both emergency and non-emergency treatment and transport, and has a crew on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Its emergency staff consists of EMT's and First Responders.
It also offers a wheelchair/stretcher service to clinics, doctor's offices, dialysis center, out patient procedures at acute care hospitals, and skilled and assisted nursing facilities performed by three wheelchair vans.
The ambulance association serves residents in the coverage area, which includes Palmerton, Lower Towamensing Township, and Bowmanstown.
It also covers parts of East Penn Township - from Route 895 to Smith Lane; Towamensing Township - from Forest Inn Road onto Route 209 from Station Street at Shepard's Place to Koch Road and everywhere in between, and beginning in the section of Kunkletown.
Formed in 1945 by the Palmerton Fire Company, the group moved into its current site in 1972. It then underwent renovations in 1998.