Checkpoint results listed in Schuylkill
The North Central Pa. Regional Sobriety Checkpoint DUI Taskforce and Expanded DUI/Underage Drinking Enforcement Program has released the following information from a sobriety checkpoint held this past weekend.
On Sept. 25, a sobriety checkpoint was set up in Schuylkill Haven. Nine departments were represented by 17 officers from Schuylkill County law enforcement agencies.
A total of 1,793 vehicles were contacted with 60 detained. Six motorists were tested with three adults arrested for DUI. Officers issued 19 traffic citations, two seat belt citations and issued 40 warnings
Sobriety checkpoints and Roving DUI patrols will also be conducted through Oct. 4 on state routes 61, 183, 901, 209, 309, 443, 895, 125, 25, 924 and 54.
Travelers are reminded to dial 911 if they suspect a drunk driver.
To report underage drinking, call 1-888-UNDER21.
The sobriety checkpoints and Roving DUI patrols are funded through the state Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).