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Eldred Township residents should expect new addresses soon

Published October 05. 2009 02:55PM

Eldred Township supervisors received a letter from the Monroe County Control Center concerning the 911 re-addressing program that residents in Eldred Township should be receiving letters sometime in October of this year. The letters will be informing the residents of their new addresses. The only ones it will not affect are the Post Office (PO) Box numbers. All others will be given a number and street name. Residents will be given one year to switch from their old address to their new address.

There was a meeting between Polk and Eldred township supervisors on Aug. 24 in regards to the boundary line confusion between the two townships. No decision was made. The Monroe County Planning Commission will meet with the Polk Twp. supervisors and engineers at their regular Sept. 27 meeting and then at Eldred Township's supervisor meeting on Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m. the MCPC has created a map that shows where the boundary lines were in the 1800s, the 1900s and the present one today. It is hoped that the two townships will be able to come to an agreement of where the boundary line should be after these meetings.

Eldred Township received a letter from the Monroe County Conservation District on Aug. 20 in regards to notification of a previous earth disturbance at Alpine Rose. Upon recent inspection by the MCCD, it has found the earth disturbance to have been corrected.

Sometime in the near future, there will no longer be township EIT collectors. It will be a county collector. A committe will be meeting to vote on the appointment of an agency to collect the EIT, county-wide. The board of supervisors approved Resolution 10-2009, naming Sharon Solt as a voting delegate and Donna Frailey, alternate voting delegate for the Act 32 of the Monroe County-wide EIT Designee Resolution.

Eldred Twp. has calculated the 2010 Pension Plan Municipal minimum obligation at $8,033.

The board approved a waiver of Section 508 of the Development Improvement Agreement SALDO for preliminary resource impact conservation plan for Michael and Debra Green's subdivision and the board approved to sent their sewage planning module to the DEP for approval.

The board tabled the lot joinder deed request of Carmine Coronato, Jr. but approved an extension request for Hunters Ridge subdivision plan to 12/16/09.

There will be an Eldred Township budget workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 6 p.m. This workshop is open to the public.

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