School dress codes and the 1950s
It seems every new school year brings up new stories of our surrounding schools and their dress code policies.
Although it can be argued that these policies infringe on the right and freedoms of expression of public school kids, it is, in fact, not the only argument.
The main argument, to me, are these careless and loosely worded policies.
These policies have statements such as; "shorts that are in good taste..." and "non-traditional hair colors" that honestly have no place in the policies and codes of our public schools. For instance, if you are a Quaker or a puritan, "non-traditional hair color" has an entirely different meaning than it does to the non-puritan or non-Quaker. And I don't even know where to start (or stop) with the "in good taste " line- though I will say I believe it to be in extremely bad taste to try to mold children into a predetermined, passed by a majority vote, structured and conformed image.
As far a piercings go you should be either allowed to have them, or not be allowed to have them. Just because someone doesn't have the piercing in the same location that your grandmother or grandfather had them, doesn't make it wrong. Just because it isn't something you would do, doesn't mean no one should be allowed to.
While I was writing this, I put aside a lot of my personal feelings as to what I believe "style" to be-and that is exactly what the school board members need to do when making all encompassing, absolute rules regarding the personal freedoms of expression of school children-while also keeping in mind it is not the 19050s anymore.
Dan Sabo