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Schuylkill court news

Published October 12. 2009 05:00PM

File for divorce

Eric L. Ryder, Box 69, Brockton, started a divorce proceeding against Colleen Freeman, 11194 Prado Del Ray Lane, Los Vegas, Nev. They were married Oct. 5, 2002.

Rebecca Sheidy, 45 W. Broad St., Tamaqua, filed suit for divorce against Cory K. Sheidy, 39 Angel Drive, New Ringgold. They were married Aug. 24, 1996.

Heidi A. Nortavage 154 N. Broad Mountain Ave., Frackville, started a divorce action against Neal E. Nortavage, 149 Roosevelt Drive, Mahanoy City. They were married Aug. 5, 2006.

Melissa E. O'Connell-Cook filed suit for divorce from Brian A. Cook, both of 220 Second St., Coaldale. They were married Oct. 19, 1992.

Divorces granted

Terry L. Hill Sr., New Ringgold, was granted a divorce from Adeana E. Hill, Tamaqua. They were married Sept. 24, 1994.

Byron Bensinger was granted a divorce from Debara L. Bensinger, both of Tamaqua. They were married July 30, 1983.

Barbara J. Stewart was granted a divorce from Michael J. Stewart. both of Auburn. They were married Oct. 19, 1991.

Carol Ann Martinson, also known as Carol Ann Jennings, was granted a divorce from George E. Martinson, both of Gilberton. They were married July 10, 1993.

Jacquelyn Ann Ruddy Pothering, Minersville, was granted a divorce from Scott Joseph Pothering, Branchdale. They were married July 10, 2004.

Felicia A. Gustitus, Mahanoy City, was granted a divorce from John A. .Gustitus, Shenandoah. They were married May 5, 2001.

Toby J. Stauffer was granted a divorce from Sheila A. Stauffer, both of Ringtown. They were married July 15, 1995.

Deanna E. Knoll, Pottsville, was granted a divorce from Ronald L. Knoll Jr., Reading. They were married Sept. 19, 2002.

Jane L. Lorent was granted a divorce from Mark F. Lorent, both of Mahanoy City. They were married June 30, 1990.

Joshua Robert Kriston was granted a divorce from Nicole Marie Kriston, both of Branchdale. They were married March 17, 2005.

Jailed 60 days

James Robert Harig, 23, of 138 Coal St., Cumbola, pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal mischief to property at Moe's Pub Tavern, New Philadelphia, as charged by Trooper Michael Van Buskirt and was sentenced by Judge D. Michael Stine to serve 60 days to 23 months in the Schuylkill County prison with credit for serving 32 days, pay $50 to the Criminal Justice Enhancement Account fund and when released on probation pay a $50 monthly supervision fee.

Revoke ARD program

Robert Green Jr., 22, Philadelphia, was removed by President Judge Willliam E. Baldwin from the Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition (ARD) probation program, which is reserved for first offenders to allow them to work off their criminal record and clear their name. After a hearing he was found by Baldwin to have violated the terms of a 12 month probation and now faces trial on a charge of retail theft.

Shirley A. Bickleman, 51, Saint Clair, was removed from the ARD program by Baldwin and she now faces trial on charges of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, driving under a combined influence of alcohol and drugs and involved in accident striking a parked vehicle in Port Carbon.

Sammy Jo Rohrbach, 23, Pottsville, was removed from the ARD program by Judge Charles M. Miller and now faces trial on charges of theft of a purse as charged by Patrolman Brian Kotzmoyer, Pottsville police.

Melissa Hines, 36, Minersville, was removed from the ARD program by Judge D. Michael Sinte and now faces trial on drug charge.

Changes plea

Darlene M. Acor, 43, Bethlehem, had appealed to court motor vehicle code violation charges when stopped in Saint Clair but at the hearing withdrew her appeal and entered a guilty plea to four summary charges and was sentenced by Judge D. Michael Stine. On a charge of driving without a license was fined $200 plus $50 costs; failure to carry a license, $25 plus $50 costs; failed to give notice of name change, $25 plus $50 costs and carried an unsigned registration card.

Tamaqua drug case

Ashley Lynn Snyder, 24, Schnecksville, who was sent to a state correctional institution by Judge Charles Miller to be evaluated if she qualified for the state's Intermediate Punishment Program (IPP) after she pleaded guilty to charges brought by Cpl. Richard Weaver, Tamaqua police, of carrying a firearm (automatic pistol) without a license in her car and also to possession of a controlled substance when her vehicle was stopped in Tamaqua.

Miller received a report she qualified for the state IPP and imposed a sentence for Snyder to serve 24 months in the program with not less than four months to be spent in an therapeutic community followed by a minmium of six months in treatment in an outpatient facility. She also must pay all costs of prosecution and make restitution of $239 to the Bethlehem Regional Lab.

Seek probation

Two motorists who entered guilty pleas to charges of driving while their license was suspended are awaiting evaluation ordered by Judge D. Michael Stine to see if they qualify to be placed in the county's IPP or face jail time. Pending confirmation they were released on bail to appear in court for sentencing on Nov.16.

James Barrett Jr., 25, Pottsville, and Jason J. Grady, 26, Schuylkill Haven, are waiting for eligibility confirmation. Barrett was pulled over by Pottsville police last St. Patrick's Day because the vision from the rear view mirror of his car was obstructed with a school pass and it was discovered he had no license. Grady was pulled over on Schaeffer's Hill, Cass Township, last August and failed to produce a driver's license.

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