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Students have right to express themselves

Published October 05. 2009 02:55PM

Recently there has been an uproar with the Palmerton graduating class of 2010 regarding nose piercings, as I am sure you and your reporters are well aware of given the recent articles.

I have to say that as a school in general middle and senior high, they should be proud of these outstanding young adults. Hey... they learned something while in school especially history class where they LEARNED about their ammendents! and notice this was BEFORE the policy for piercing was enforced.

While they may have voted on this in April, what about the students that had the piercings prior to? There didn't seem to be a problem last year or the year before that. And what about the dual enrolled students whom attend college and high school at the same time? The community colleges don't seem to have a problem.. why because the students pay for their education and are considered adults, well don't we as parents do the same with school taxes?

These young adults have something to say about their right to express themselves. This is a new generation, a new set of consumers, many with very high expections of themselves and many will succeed regardless of their "appearance." However, when a school policy states to "maintain certain standards of cleanliness and decency" this is going to pose a problem. Infection control is the main issue while many students are continuing to tempt the "policy" by wearing their piercing, getting ordered to remove it then reinserting the piercing when they get home... wouldn't it be safer to the student and surrounding students just to let the piercing in place? and be DONE with it? while causing " bleeding and oozing inappropriate and unacceptable" and putting the student at risk for cellulites ( a bacterial skin infection) and keloids( an overgrowth of granulation tissue) All because the school board doesn't like the appearance of it. BIG DEAL GET OVER IT they claim they are "concerned for the safety " of the students... well guess what? they are not looking at the BIG picture now are they?

And now reportly they can't even wear a clear flat "retainer" to maintain their piercing for when they " grow up" nor have the teachers made announcements to the classes regarding this matter and students are being targeted by lists from the office with names of students with piercings. Can we say discrimination?

It was quoted in your paper that " the rules are the rules" point blank response. It only proves that these young adults don't see everything in black and white. Would someone please tell me...... is "real" life black and white?


Rebecca Miller

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