Panther Valley school district
As the state makes progress on the budget, Panther Valley School District officials are confident that the school can continue to function without pursuing a loan or cutting services.
"We should be fine," said business manager Kenneth Marx, Jr., who is optimistic that the district will continue to receive tax money that will enable it to keep running.
"Because of the discount period ending next week, I'll be able to give you a better number the first week of October. We'll definitely meet the middle of October right now," he said.
Director Anthony DeMarco, a member of the budget and finance committee, said that after the committee's meeting earlier this week, that if in fact the District does need to worry about acquiring funds, it would call a special meeting. Marx concurred.
"If we're down to the wire, we'll call a special meeting," he added, "but as of right now, there are no plans to close the school or obtain a loan to keep the school open."
The board also hired James Gilbert, of Schuylkill Haven, as the girls' softball coach for the 2009-2010 season. Gilbert, who teaches physical education at Panther Valley elementary school, also volunteered as a coach last year.
The board accepted the resignations of Tom Balliet as the Scholastic Scrimmage advisor and Erin Shober as the 100 Book Challenge Coordinator for the 2009-2010 school year. Evelyn Babish was appointed as the new coordinator for the 100 Book Challenge at the elementary school. Joseph Oliver, of Tamaqua, was added to the list substitute teachers.
Also, Cathy Raabe and Mollie Damian were added to the list of substitute cafeteria workers, and Jennifer Burns, Debora McCullough, and Regina Miller were added as substitute cafeteria workers pending clearances. Todd Leslie was added as a substitute cafeteria driver, pending clearances, and Carol Turner and Maria Boner were added to the list of substitute custodians.
The board approved a motion to proceed with the issuance of general obligation bonds, series 2009, for the purpose of refunding the remaining portion of the general obligation bonds, series 2004, via a competitive Internet sale, with a minimum net savings target of $175,000.