Weatherwood resolves most deficiencies
Weatherwood, the Carbon County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, has resolved all but three deficiencies cited by the state Department of Health, according to Gerber Consulting Service, hired by the county to assist with bringing the financially-troubled facility into compliance with government regulations.
Weatherwood has until Sept. 28 to resolve deficiencies in three areas of requirement, according to the Department of Health's report. They are:
• Urinary Incontinence: Based on the resident's comprehensive assessment, the facility must ensure that a resident who enters the facility without an indwelling catheter is not catheterized unless the resident's clinical condition demonstrates that catheterization was necessary; and a resident who is incontinent of bladder receives appropriate treatment and services to prevent urinary tract infections and to restore as much normal bladder function as possible.
Based on review of 15 clinical records and select facility policy, and staff interview it was determined that the facility failed to effectively evaluate urinary incontinence, failed to accurately monitor episodes of urinary continence and urinary incontinence, and failed to individualize interventions for two residents with urinary incontinence to promote or restore continence.
• Quality Assessment and Assurance: A facility must maintain a quality assessment and assurance committee consisting of the director of nursing services; a physician designated by the facility; and at least three other members of the facility's staff. The quality assessment and assurance committee meets at least quarterly to identify issues with respect to which quality assessment and assurance activities are necessary; and develops and implements appropriate plans of action to correct identified quality deficiencies.
A state or the secretary may not require disclosure of the records of such committee except insofar as such disclosure is related to the compliance of such committee with the requirements of this section. Good faith attempts by the committee to identify and correct quality deficiencies will not be used as a basis for sanctions.
Based on a review of 15 clinical records and the facility's plan of correction from the survey ending June 19, 2009, it was determined that the facility failed to develop and implement a quality assurance plan, which was able to identify and correct continued quality of care deficiencies related to accidents and supervision and urinary incontinence.
• Accidents and Supervision: The facility must ensure that the resident environment remains as free of accident hazards as is possible; and each resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents.
Based on review of 15 clinical records and select incident/accident reports and staff interview it was determined that the facility failed to adequately supervise and provide one resident with sufficient assistance to prevent a fall with injury.
The state inspected Weatherwood on April 22. Gerber Consulting President Janet Gerber has said she is confident Weatherwood will correct the deficiencies by Sept. 28. The facility as of July 22 was stopped from receiving federal payments for new admissions, said Department of Health spokeswoman Holli Senior.
Gerber has said the government is becoming more strict in enforcing rules for nursing homes.
The county is taking a hard look at Weatherwood's operations as it begins to prepare its 2010 budget. Increasing expenses coupled with falling admissions there are 200 beds and currently only 160 residents have caused a budgetary shortfall at Weatherwood. Last year, the county for the first time contributed $350,000 to help close the gap. But if no action is taken, the amount could balloon to $2.5 million next year, commissioners said.