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Drivers must be aware

Published October 05. 2009 02:55PM

Dear Editor:

I would like to address this note of awareness to pedestrian and driver safety on our township public roadways. If you are not aware, the speed limit on non posted roadways in our townships is 55 mph. Yes, that's right, Green Street (Franklin Township) is posted at 35 mph. Pohopoco Road is 50 and Interchange Road is 45 mph.

And we all know that folks do not obey that speed. But most if not all of the other roadways are 55 mph. With the increase in home building, more and more residents are taking a stroll along our winding roadways. And indeed they should feel comfortable for their safety. But we must realize that there are no shoulders to the roads. The only lea-way is the ditch.

We do not have sidewalks and the roadways are barely passable for cars as they approach one another at 55 mph with limited or no center line markings... This does not take into effect the dump truck and construction traffic which narrows the width of the road ever more. In addition, with the time change it will be getting darker earlier in the day increasing the danger, especially for school children walking home from the bus.

I would like to make a suggestion to those walking dogs, pushing baby carriages or just taking a stroll. Please wear some bright colored clothing preferably with reflective marking on the front and rear. You see the construction folks dress for safety working on our road ways. But why not the general public. Or drive to the Beltzville park where you know your walk will be safe. And to those of us driving our vehicles on these roads SLOW DOWN. Drive according to road conditions and visibility.


From the pen

of K Treger,


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