Palmerton Area Library announces upcoming events
30. The programs are free and open to the public. The story hours will continue throughout the school year.
The Teen Advisory Group is back in full swing and making preparations for its annual Halloween Mystery and Party for the younger children. The Teen Advisory Group is open to anyone in grades 7-12. They are currently looking for more actors and helpers for the Halloween mystery play to be presented at the end of October. Call the library at (610) 826-3424 to get more information or visit to sign up online. Interested teens may also check out the library on their Facebook page, just search for Palmerton Area Library.
The Palmerton Area Library is also looking for handmade items for its annual Handcrafted Auction that will be held during the month of November. This event is coordinated by Terri Sheckler and the library staff. If you would like to donate an item, please contact the library as soon as possible.
The Third Monday Book Club will start again on Monday, Sept. 21 at noon. Over the summer months the members of the club have been reading "Elbow Room," which will be discussed at the September meeting. The club will continue to meet on the third Monday of each month through May. New members are always welcome.
The Tail Waggin' Tutors will be back for the Reading to Dogs program on Saturday, Oct. 10 at 11 a.m. Children will have an opportunity to practice their reading out loud skills to the dogs with the patient help of the trained teachers. The program is free but parents must call the library in advance to reserve a time slot for their children.
The Friends of the Palmerton Area Library will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. at the library. New members and new ideas are always welcome.
The library has recently added a games computer for children, ages 5-12. This computer is not connected to the Internet so it is completely safe for younger children. The computer is loaded with lots of kid-friendly games. Just ask at the desk to sign up and borrow the CDs.
The Palmerton Area Library is open Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m., Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. 4 p.m. There are six computers with Internet connection and printers. The library is a WiFi Hot Spot sponsored by Pen Tele Data. Fax and copy services are available. The library also offers free downloadable audio books from the website. Check out the newly designed page at and click on eBooks. Patrons can download the audio books to their own computers and then transfer them to an mp3 player. Over 1,200 audio books are currently available. Also on the new website is a link to job resources and a calendar of events to see what's happening at the library.
For more information contact the library at (610) 826-3424 or