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Tamaqua Public Library News

Published October 13. 2009 05:00PM

The Tamaqua Public Library has resumed regular hours, which will continue until summer, as follows:

Monday and Thursday: 10 a.m-8 p.m.

Tuesday and Wednesday: 10 a.m-5 p.m.

Friday: 12 p.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Summer Reading Challenge Continues

Coupons for a free kid's meal at Subway are still available. While there are still some warm rays of sunshine, log 10 hours of reading and you will be eligible for a coupon. All children are invited to participate. Stop by the library during regular hours to pick up a Summer/Fall Reading Log. The challenge will continue while coupons last. Each child can earn one coupon every two weeks.

Fall Story Time

Celebrate the first day of autumn with the library's fall reading program.

Children between the ages of 2 and 5 may participate in the weekly story time program, which began on Tuesday, September 22.

Two identical sessions will be held each week from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The Fall program concludes on Nov. 18.

Each week includes read-aloud stories, activities, crafts, snacks, and fun revolving around an autumn theme, including Columbus Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving.

To register, please call the library at (570) 668-4660.

Explore the Myths of Big Foot, Ghosts

and Other Paranormal Creatures

On Monday, Oct. 26, at 6 p.m., Timothy Heckman will provide a free presentation seeking the truth about Big Foot and ghosts. The event is open to all ages.

Please call the library at (570) 668-4660 for more information or to reserve a seat.

Book Discussion Group

The library holds a book discussion group for older teens and adults the last Monday of each month.

Because of a scheduling conflict this month, the group will meet on Thursday, October 22, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.

The book selection is Kate Jacobs' The Friday Night Knitting Club.

Interested readers should contact the library so the staff can locate a copy of the book through the Interlibrary Loan system.

The book is also available for purchase through the library. As always, new members are welcome to join.

Fall Amnesty Week

Patrons with overdue books and other materials are encouraged to return them to the library during Amnesty Week, October 18-25, 2009. All fines will be waived.

Choosing to not return overdue items will result in other penalties, including possible jail time.

Please call (570) 668-4660 with any questions.

Display Case Features

Unique, Dried Flower/FernBookmarks

One-of-a kind, handmade bookmarks containing dried flowers or ferns by local artisan, Rose Vallee, are displayed in the case located in the library's entrance.

Stop by during regular hours to observe the exquisite display. Reservations are being taken to purchase the bookmarks.They will be available on Monday, Nov. 2.

Art Displayin Reading Room

An art exhibit of 17 watercolors by Catherine I. Postupack of Stillcreek, is being shown in the Reading Room of the library through the month of October. Ms. Postupack is a self-taught watercolor artist and a member of the Hazelton and Tamaqua Art Leagues.

Yearbook donations sought

The Tamaqua Public Library is in the process of compiling a complete set of yearbooks for the following area schools: Tamaqua High School (Unknown Date to 1960); Tamaqua Area High School (1960-Present); Coaldale High School (Unknown Date to 1963); and Marian High School (Unknown Date to Present).

The collection is still missing books from the following years:

Tamaqua High School's "The Sphinx": 1920, 1921, 1942, 1946, 1949, 1955, 1957-1959

Tamaqua Area High School's "The Sphinx": 1960, 1962-1963, 1967, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1988, 1991, 1992, 2007-2009

Coaldale High School's "The Stentor": 1930-1932, 1934, 1941-1944, 1948-1963

Marian High School: 1980-82, 1986-2008

If you have yearbooks that you would like to donate to the library to help complete the collection, please call (570) 668-4660 or email

Black Diamond Writer's Network

The Black Diamond Writers' Network conducts regular monthly meetings at the Tamaqua Public Library from 10 a.m. to noon on the third Saturday of each month.

Jessica Lucey, marketing executive with Mars, Inc. and Toastmasters' competent communicator, will speak on the power of presenting at the October meeting, Saturday the 17th. For more information, call Kathy at (570) 645-3059.

Spiritual Study Group

to Host Book Discussion Series

Experience the new religious movement that is Eckankar by participating in its spiritual discussion group at the Tamaqua Public Library this fall.

The six-week series will address topics of past lives, dreams and soul travel. The group will meet on Thursdays at 2 p.m. from Oct. 1 to Nov. 5.

For more information, please contact Teri Gress at (570) 656-3790 or visit

Please call (570) 668-4660 for any additional information on library programs or services.

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