Troxell Trucking complaint
Dear Editor:
cc: Agent Dean J. Fisher; DEP Bethlehem Bureau
cc: Deputy Secretary of Safety: Kurt Meyers
Thank you for your attention to the Troxell Trucking situation, as well as other DEP staff. While panel removal is a primary matter of resolution, information I am about to provide may not necessarily qualify Troxell Trucking is the authorized source to conduct such recovery, even if he should certainly compensate the labor involved. As we agree, the proximity of these panels to Lizard creek was an infraction. In a democracy -organized commonwealth such as ours, all levels of government should be aware of the codes of infraction rather than just point fingers. If a Weapon of Mass Destruction was dropped off in a paper bag at the East Penn Municipal Building, they would certainly aggress its removal rather than suffer a dissatisfactory response from the Carbon County Annex: " That's a Homeland security issue, you'll have to talk to them", or instead be referred to contact a lawyer during the 20 second-14 second countdown. All levels of government are liable to be cross indexing; East Penn Township has certainly not been open to this type of modern communication technique. To call oneself 'government' is really to embrace one small sector of responsibility as a component of the larger body. Ignoring Troxell Trucking AND Clare Troxells own behaviors has been a business -related conflict of issues in our areas "representation."
Chief of Police Herb Truhe reported to me that Troxell's front loader was inoperable and proceeded to call me "ridiculous" for seeking additional enforcement. What I find ridiculous is he expected me to provide a letter of expense for my own hiring of an excavation team AND TO anticipate being compensated. I'm not gullible; I wouldn't see a dime. Truhe gives poor advice. The loader inoperability is apparently why he had not responded to his own two -week timeline for which he had told me. As a matter of vehicular incident, I feel this is a matter of not reporting personal liability to the property owner in a suitable amount of time. " Hit and Run". If he drove his truck into a house without occupants being home, he certainly would be forced to provide driver's insurance info. In a related matter of enforcement, I do not feel this police chief fully understands the risk he places the rest of the community in by not combing over this transportation company with a fine-toothed comb or accessing those officials who would. Negligence by nonfeasance.
Since September 9th, Troxell Trucking has been involved with one other accident also along Lizard Creek Road.
Link was first published Sept 25,2009:
While the circumstances of this accident may have no relativity to your State DEP department, I feel its time to also involve PennDOT Commercial services to inspect this company's habits. Again, two concrete panels flew off the trailer and landed on the highway.
As a matter of life preservation, whether arm or fin; informing you of this continued safety threat was a eventuality. I have left a message on the Hazelton PennDOT office without response. You'll notice in this article that this is Troxells fourth incident and second in under a years time. This is suspect not necessarily to equipment error but also to driver competence; perhaps even frauded hourly logs lending to poor attention of securement. No fatalities or other vehicles have occurred during these load releases, but this is merely luck and only a matter of time before someone in my community or neighboring communities of Troxell's usage becomes dead or injured with no ability to recover damages from this negligent conduct. This may indicate but one more cleanup you will eventually need to attend because of this company's ongoing operation. From the sounds of these securements of concrete panels, does Clare Troxell drive his trucks in Velcro shoes? He certainly doesn't seem to know how to tie massive panels down.
I don't want Clare Troxells business operations in my township at all. He's a death wish on everyone around him.
My background of study is sports medicine and exercise sciences. Our schooling requires me to understand mechanism of injury. If even one of these concrete panels flies off this truck trailer and onto a car, people WILL be crushed and killed; but only hopefully. Troxell is up to his eyeballs in fines of all sorts of pollution and conduct. Whereas commercial insurance might cover some of the medical expenses of injuries of his causing, there is the less wanted painful and excessively lifelong painful result of nonfatal injuries to whole families.
1) a) death or b) broken ribs or c) brain injury by rapid stopping and air bag deployment.
2) a Primary swerving car then injuring or killing other Pennsylvanians by forth-said diagnosis.
3) Dislocated femur, blood loss therefrom; VERY PAINFUL
4) Torn or sprained posterior cruciate ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, and resulting long term rehabilitation AND arthritis
5) Broken upper and lower leg bones causing lifelong obstructed mobility
6) Severe growthplate injuries to adolescents and infants due to the force of impact.
7) Lost employment wages, loss of family members to death or vegetative state
8) ... and a continual and growing list of [life -threatening] injuries all of which can be supported by Orthopedic Physicians and Surgeons (this whole list) to limit career, athletics or hobby. Femur dislocation would be caused by the likely expulsion of a concrete panel on the hood of a car or truck.
My Sports Medicine Degree is from East Stroudsburg University, 1998.
People are at risk in any proximity to a Troxell Truck. Surely there are enough other types of loads that this company apparently can handle (?) or perhaps not. As far as I'm concerned, its only a matter of time before somebody in the community gets injured at the hands of Troxell Trucking's negligence. This business needs investigation; surely the ECU in a new -enough diesel engine would report speeding infractions or improper driving that discredit the 'shifting load' excuse originating our correspondence in the first place. Trucking companies, most, have access to wooden pallets and other wooden storage devices. I strongly emphasize Clare Troxell should find enough wood material to construct a cross about 15 feet tall. About the only action I feel Clare Troxell is authorized to continue on behalf of his company is martyrdom; A PR stunt of Crucifixion may be just the sympathy he needs for his business conduct to be overlooked,... nah... but he should still crucify himself. Better he, than someone under a concrete platform. Troxell Trucking RIP. I'll donate galvanized nails.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Michael Bench, MS exercise physiology