Support was poor
Dear Editor:
Last year Lansford had the Veteran's Parade. This is a Carbon County parade, not a town parade. This year we repeat it.
The people who put it on have many meetings and must raise a lot of money. People who march must get something to eat and drink. Special things must be paid for includes bands.
Veterans did their part for this country and are still doing things.
Last year the turn out to show support for them was sick. Like no one cares anymore. The camera showed almost an empty street.
People in surrounding towns should support this parade no matter what town its in.
Come on people. Show some pride. Let your veterans know you appreciated what they did. Between the American Legion and the AMVETS on Ridge Street should be loaded with people, but this is just my thought.
I remain
Robert (Ski)
Siesputowski, AMVETS Post 83 Commander