Eldred column
Well wishes
Please keep these neighbors in your prayers and thoughts: Roberta Bilby, Sandra Frable, Elaine Eckhart, Donna Miller, Dan Engler, Sandy Borger and Paul Kuntz.
Birthday wishes
If you see any of these neighbors, please wish them a Happy Birthday: Nov. 23 - Dale Greenzweig, Jr., Daniel Moore, Daniel Procita, Michael Andrews; Nov. 24 - Samuel Correll; Nov. 25 - Stephanie Borger; Nov. 26 - Bruce Gower, Paige Meckes; Nov. 27 - Richard Yaple, Terri Murray; Nov. 28 - Michael Missmer.
St. Matthew's Homecoming
St. Matthew's UCC in Kunkletown would like to invite everybody to a Homecoming service on Sunday, Nov. 29 at 9 a.m. There will be a puppet show, special music and an opportunity to meet or get reacquainted with St. Matthew's. There will be a brunch served after the service. Bring a friend.