No entitlement in her family
Dear Editor:
I don't know if President Obama and his supporters spent their early life in government dependency and entitlement, but that was not my experience.
One branch of my family immigrated from Italy in the 1850s. My grandfather worked in the coal mines in Carbon County.
My father was allowed to complete eighth grade, but then had to go to work to help support the family. He told me about living in "Little Italy" a shantytown built on mine property. His house was built with wide boards and no further insulation. In the winder, they often woke with a fine dusting of snow on their beds. He laughed and said it made them strong.
During the 1919 flu epidemic, his 11 year old brother went around their village to act as interpreter for the doctor. No one in Dad's family got sick.
My grandmother was my inspiration. She had nine children, all delivered by a local mid wife. She kept a spotless house, carried water from the village pump, baked bread in an outdoor oven, kept a garden, made wine and stored food for the winter. To supplement their income, she cleaned the one room schoolhouse.
Future generations served in the military and furthered their education.
This was the American Dream - to come from a foreign land and succeed in the land of the free and the brave. I wish this for everyone.
Relying on a corrupt government to be in charge of every aspect of our lives is never going to make us successful individuals with self-determination. HELLO TYRANNY.
Kay Ann Mulligan