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Panther Valley news

Published December 09. 2009 05:00PM

Wednesday evening worship

At 7 p. m. each Wednesday St. John's Lutheran Church, 1 E. Abbott St., Lansford, holds an informal worship: a calming, peaceful evening service with song and Holy Communion. All are welcome to this relaxed, brief evening prayer. In case of questionable weather, call the Rev. Marjorie Keiter, (570) 645-0356.

A simple supper is also available at 6 p.m. for anyone who wishes to partake.

Christmas at P.V. Library

From Dec. 14-17, the Panther Valley Library, 117 E. Bertsch St., Lansford, will allow patrons to fill up a red Christmas bag with books for a specific donation. Volunteers are also needed the library. Hours are Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. until noon; Wednesday from 4-6 p.m.; and Thursday from 3-6 p.m.

The library is a hot spot for the Internet.

Summit Hill

St. Joseph Church

Parishioners of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, are invited to help decorate the church for the Christmas season on Sunday, Dec. 20, after the 11 a.m. Mass.

The church's Christmas confession schedule is as follows: Saturdays, Dec. 13 and 20, 2:45 to 3:45 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 14, 8-8:45 a.m.; Tuesday, Dec. 22, 5:45-7 p.m.; and Wednesday, Dec. 23, 6:30-8 p.m.

Food distribution

The Summit Hill Food Pantry conducts a monthly distribution of food boxes to the needy in the community. Anyone in need of the assistance, or knowing of individuals or families who do, is asked to contact Rose Marie Armon, (570) 645-3604, or Emma Weaver, 645-7348.

The pantry, a non-denominational entity, is always in need of donations and manual assistance. To donate items or your time, contact the above persons as well.

The Summit Hill Lions Club members assist the pantry with its distributions. Boxes are usually packed on a Thursday, beginning at 9 a.m., and are distributed on the fourth Tuesday, also beginning at 9 o'clock. The Second Harvest truck delivery of commodities (which needs to be unloaded) usually takes place on the last Thursday of the month.

Lions Club members are reminded of these upcoming dates and can contact President Kenneth Vermillion for additional information on helping with the duties.

GOP to meet

The Summit Hill Republican Club will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m. in the borough hall.

Topics to be discussed will be goals for the upcoming year. The party will be seeking people interested in running in the May 18 Primary Election for GOP committee positions representing Summit Hill. Voter registration forms will also be available.

President Stephen Redash will be in charge of the meeting and extends an invitation for all to attend. New members are welcome.

Membership dues for 2010 will be accepted at this meeting or can be forwarded to Darlene Wargo, treasurer, 111 E. Fell St., Summit Hill, PA 18250.

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