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Summit Hill news

Published December 29. 2009 05:00PM

Summit Hill

St. Paul Lutheran

Members of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, are reminded that the Rev. John Hazel, pastor, will be on vacation through Jan. 2. Anyone in need of pastoral assistance during that time is asked to contact Pastor Marjorie Keiter, (570) 645-0356.

SHCIO to meet

The Summit Hill Community Improvement Organization will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 11, in the borough hall. Debra Ranck, president, will be in charge of the session.

Borough council

The Summit Hill Borough Council will hold its reorganizational meeting on Monday, Jan. 4, at 7 p.m. in the borough hall. Election of officers will take place at this time.

Presbyterian Church

The Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, formerly the First Presbyterian Church of the Panther Valley, Summit Hill, will hold regular worship services on Sunday, Jan. 3, as follows: Sunday school and adult Bible study, 9 a.m.; and worship service, 10:30 a.m. Communion will be celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

New Year's Masses

The Rev. James Burdess, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, has announced the schedule of New Year's Masses for the parish. They will be celebrated at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 31, and 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 1.

Scripture sharing

Due to the New Year's holiday, the weekly scripture sharing sessions at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, will not be held this week. The next session will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 7, in the social hall of the church.

Get-well wishes

Retired Summit Hill businessman Joseph "Chubby" Carnish is a patient in the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital, Allentown. Cards and get-well wishes can be sent to him at the hospital, 850 S. Fifth St., Allentown, Pa. 18103.


Receive sacrament

Seven youths recently received the Sacrament of First Penance during a service held at St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford. They include Anthony Costello, Adam Gilbert, Jakub Kantyka, Maxwell Vermillion, Rachel Chuma, Alexa Sandefer and Olivia Weaver.

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