Nations Rise and Fall
Most great nations have decayed from within. In early history great nations were invaded by foreigners, their cultures drastically changed, and decay set in. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all disappeared. Their cultures lasted hundreds or thousands of years. Our nation is merely going the way of those greats.
Communication and travel is now easier and faster, so it is our turn! It is said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Our road to perdition is paved with socialism and political correctness. Everyone is equal in the eyes of God and under the law, but is everyone really equal? We have DNA which goes against that socialist idea. Some are geniuses, others are not. Some give great effort, others don't. Some are willing to learn, some not. There are leaders and followers. We must beware of some leaders.
An example is the leadership of Lenin in early 20th century Russia, where only one in five people were Bolshevik. He said "when they have the guns, we want peace and rule by the ballot; when we have the guns, we will rule by the bullet."
We have been moving to socialism through several administrations, both Democrat and Republican. Each time the conservatives compromise with the Socialist Democrats we move closer to socialism.
So, with apologies to our Founding Fathers who created a republic, we are now followers of Marx. We cannot tolerate states and cities who disregard one of the few duties of the federal government - immigration and border control. Without this we have no nation and decay has begun.
So, comrades, now that we are socialist, relax. Put down your hammers and sickles and put your feet up. There will be chicken broth in every pot, your neighbors will be close by in your spare bedroom, your senator will use his stethoscope to listen to your chest and pronounce you well. We will be like the European socialists in NATO who cannot defend themselves without the USA. Bye-bye, American pie! What was the Fourth of July?
Na Zdorovie, Comrades,