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Golf group donates $2K for veterans court transportation

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    Carbon County Judge Joseph Matika accepts a $2,000 donation from Al Hall, representing the Towamensing Trails Golf Committee, to be used for transportation for the Veterans Court. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS

Published September 29. 2017 12:10PM

A strong support system is crucial to success when it comes to battling addictions.

For some veterans, after they leave service, the memories of war creep in and cause problems, which lead to poor choices and incarceration.

But in Carbon County Veterans Court, a specialty court that aims to help veterans in trouble with the law get the help they need instead of facing incarceration, is working to create a support system that will provide the strength these veterans need to get back on their feet.

One problem the court is facing is transportation for these individuals to and from court hearings and appointments.

Towamensing Trails Golf Committee recognized this and has reached out to help.

On Wednesday, Al Hall, a veteran mentor in the court program as well as representing the golf committee, presented a $2,000 check to Judge Joseph J. Matika to help cover some transportation costs for those in the program. The money was raised as part of the committee’s annual golf tournament.

“I want to thank you and your golf buddies for the incredible donation,” Matika said. “The money will go a long way to addressing this problem.”

Hall said that the donation was in honor of one of the committee’s friends, Richard Coburn, who passed away after a very short battle with cancer.

“He was a vibrant Marine of our community,” Hall said. “He was a fighter and we want to make sure he keeps on fighting even though he’s not here.”

Hall also said that Veterans Court is a great thing because it gives the young people and older veterans a chance to get back into the community rather than being put into the system and bouncing around without getting the help they need.

“When you look at the success rate in the courtroom, it’s a good accolade to what they’re doing.”

Veterans Court began earlier this year and so far has seen progress in some of its participants.

For example, two individuals who were in court on Wednesday had achieved 609 and 610 days clean in their journey after being approved for the program.

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