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Spread the love

Published October 20. 2017 12:46PM

As I cut my tomatoes from my garden this morning I am contemplative. Last night I attended a football game between Jim Thorpe and North Schuylkill High School. Everyone was out in full force as it was Jim Thorpe’s homecoming. I was reminded of the excitement of going to games as a high school cheerleader or band front many, many years ago, and the great excitement of the event regardless of my role.

I was yelling, screaming, jumping up emotionally and clapping to the band’s music. It made me feel like I was part of something. The bands were entertaining, the cheerleaders cheered for the band, and the band had chants for the cheerleaders, everyone was involved and having a great time. It was hard to not be energized by the excitement in the air from these kids.

I see the news as I’m feeling this and see the FBI and other agencies combing the field of the Las Vegas massacre and am saddened by the horrific event that hurt and killed so many. I am a little torn in allowing myself to feel my contentment at my experience last night. I tell myself that bad things happen and I will not allow myself to be cornered in my safe place to avoid an event where the next individual who means someone harm may be. Last night made me want to yell out all the good things happening too, the football players running off that field “high-fiving” the crowd who waits for them after every game behind the band who plays and marches in front of them and the tunnel of cheerleaders who wait on the field to escort them off, the parents and friends waiting for them to tell them what a good game they played.

No one knelt at the national anthem, we sang with our hands over our hearts proud to be an American. Is the school perfect? No, but we sang the alma mater. Is America perfect, No, but we proudly sang the anthem, were the kids perfect? No but we proudly cheered them on. I have decided to choose to allow myself to feel OK about last night and not be taken over by the grief of so many losses in this world. Am I sad and do I pray for them and their families? I certainly do, but today I feel content, even happy and a little hopeful.

So, I encourage everyone to get out and support someone, especially today’s kids who struggle to join something for not being able to afford it and feel good doing good, spread your love, your support and your hugs, maybe our love will emanate. We can only stop what comes from us, maybe the world peace will start there. I can only hope. Pax.

Respectfully sharing my feelings,

Laura Melber


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