Tamaqua Police
Tamaqua police released details on several citations filed in October.
Jennifer DiPietro, 34, was cited for trespassing at the Family Dollar Store, 125 Center St. Despite repeated warnings, DiPietro entered the store on Oct. 4. She was also cited on Oct. 10.
Renado Natal, 41, of North Greenwood Street, Tamaqua, was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia after officers found a glass pipe and bud grinder at his home on Oct. 13. Officers were in the home at 10:38 p.m. in response to a 911 hangup call.
Theresa Coppola, 57, of Mauch Chunk Street, Tamaqua, was cited for criminal trespass, disorderly conduct and feeding/sheltering feral cats.
Coppola, despite numerous previous warnings from police, was observed feeding stray cats in the area of the Tamaqua Area Community Partnership’s parking lot on Mauch Chunk Street. She crossed the lot to reach the back area, near fences, to feed the cats.
Matthew T. Martin, 30, of Franklin Street, Tamaqua, was cited for retail theft and disorderly conduct on Oct. 18. Martin took pastries from the Fegley Mini Mart, 30-32 Center St.